Posts Tagged ‘damage’

Do IPL treatments damage the skin?

do IPL treatments damage the skin

Is IPL damaging my skin?

IPL treatments do not damage the skin if your technician sets the proper settings. The treatment delivers a pulse to the bulb of the hair. If the settings are inputted properly then it avoids being absorbed into the skin.

Aside from temporary heat in the area treated, there should not be adverse reactions on the skin. Heat in the skin typically lasts anywhere from one to 24 hours.

Who should not get IPL hair removal?

Not everyone is eligible for IPL treatments. While the light energy of IPL itself will not damage the skin, certain factors could result in damage.

Certain medications

Anyone that has skin conditions in the areas being treated that are contrandicated should avoid IPL. Certain medications, topical or oral, can make the skin sensitive or photosensitive.

Very light hair

People with light hair tones, for example blonde, white, or silver hair should have realistic expectations of IPL hair removal treatments. Sometimes these hair colours don’t have enough melanin for the machine to be able to register and destroy the targeted hair bulb.

If the person’s hair is too light there may not be enough contrast between the hair and skin tone. The machine favours skin types that show a better contrast of dark hair on a lighter skin background. Having this contrast tends to allow for maximum absorption of light energy directly into the bulb.

That is not to say that other skin types are not successful, we would simply change the setting for this. However, there is a point where if the skin and hair tone are too close together. The machine may confuse the melanin content in the skin for the target and could cause burning or not actually treat the hair becasue the settings are maintained too low to make a difference in an effort to avod hitting the skin tone.


People with tattoos in the area being treated should avoid IPL. Your technician has to stay a safe distance from existing tattoos in order to avoid heating and potentially damaging the pigment that is implanted with the tattoo.


In addition, pregnant women should refrain from IPL treatments. This is not to say that it will necessarily cause any damage to the fetus, but it’s best to avoid any form of radiation treatment during pregnancy and light is a form of radiation.

Keeping exposure to a minimum is key when you’re pregnant because you’re already being exposed to the radiation that’s emitted through the ultrasounds continuously being done which is a very high form of radiation. For the record, ultrasound and IPL both use non-ionizing radiation, however, IPL is comparatively very superficial.

In conclusion, while there are some individuals that should stay away from IPL treatments, IPL treatments do not damage the skin with proper settings.

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Ingrown hair removal Edmonton

How can I get rid of ingrown hairs and bumps on my face and scalp? 

Let’ start by understanding the cause of these bumps on the scalp… 

Razor bumps are often caused by close shaving and barbering techniques. The shaved areas of the skin endure micro-trauma over the protrusion of the hair follicle. The damage is often due to dull blades, excessive pressure, repeated passes, and/or shaving against the grain. 

Our skin’s natural response to trauma is to repair and rebuild the damaged tissue, causing a blockage over the opening of the follicle. This blockage prevents the hair strand from breaking through to the surface of the skin. The hair strand will continue to grow and coil back into the skin causing it to swell.

What treatment is recommended for getting rid of these bumps? 

Our preferred method to treat scalp folliculitis is with salicylic acid peels or ‘Acne Treatment”. Known for its exfoliating and anti-inflammatory benefits, Salicylic Acid is an effective solution for this and other skin conditions. 

What to expect during your treatment…

Salicylic acid is applied to the area for 2-8 minutes and can be layered to intensify the treatment. The acid penetrates deep into follicles where it loosens and softens the oils and buildup. This allows for the hair to become dislodged as the skin begins to shed the excess layers above the follicle opening.  

The treatment takes 30-45 minutes and may require manual extraction of the trapped hair. The chemical peel process is repeated 3-4 weeks apart until desired results are achieved, on average 4-6 sessions are required for maximum results.  

ingrown hair removal edmonton

What should I be doing at home?  

Products containing Salicylic Acid are great for at-home treatment. Regular use of these products will continue the treatment process and boost results. 


Proper home care is key for maximizing results and preventing future breakouts. Here are some tips to follow:  

  • Keep the area dry and clean.  
  • Avoid wearing headgear for extended periods. 
  • Do not shave down to the skin with razors. 
  • Use electric trimmers with a guard to avoid close shave. 
  • Exfoliate skin regularly.  
  • Avoid picking at live skin. 

While the visibly bumpy appearance on the skin is the most common concern, other far more concerning issues can arise from these bumps on the scalp. These skin flare-ups can cause scarring, permanent hair loss, bacterial and fungal infections. In severe cases, your skincare specialist may suggest a visit with your doctor for testing or diagnosis before commencing treatment.  

Our role is to help improve the general health of your skin through professional care, products, and care recommendations. Call to book your complimentary phone consult with one of our skincare specialists!  

VIDEO: Ingrown hair removal Edmonton

Book your Ingrown hair removal  treatment in Edmonton!Schedule Appointment

Love, Peace, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

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Sun 10am - 5pm | Mon 10am - 5pm | Tue 10am - 6pm | Wed 10am - 6pm | Thur 10am - 8pm | Fri 10am - 5pm | Sat 10am - 5pm
10518 82 Avenue NW, Edmonton / Get directions
(780) 885-7108