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Posts Tagged ‘ipl hair removal edmonton’

IPL Hair Removal Long Term Side Effects

ipl hair removal long term side effects

Does IPL laser hair removal have long term side effects?

The long term side effects of IPL Hair Removal may include lightening of the hair tone in the area being treated. In addition, you may also see thinning of the hair growth in that area if and when it starts to come back. Overall, there aren’t really any negative side effects if the treatment course goes well.

However, if there was damage or trauma to the skin during the treatments, then scarring could be a long term side effect.

What is the down side to IPL treatments?

Treatments can be costly when compared to other methods of hair removal, such as waxing. While these treatments may be a higher price point than other methods, they yield permanent results. So, in the long run, if waxing is regularly being used as method of hair removal it eventually balances out.

Another downside could be the time allotted to the treatment for larger areas, for example legs, chest, or back. It can be a lengthy session depending on the individual and how much surface area is being covered.

Finally, having to avoid the sun could be a downside for some people. You cannot have a previous tan or sun exposure during any of your sessions. It is recommended to wait a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the treatment. Plus, afterwards you are to avoid sun exposure as well. So that’s another couple of weeks that your skin needs to stay away from direct and extended sun exposure.

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Does IPL hair removal have any risks?

ipl hair removal risks

Are there any risks of IPL hair removal?

While the benefits of IPL hair removal are obvious, what are the risks? The 3 most common risks are burning the skin, the scarring that can result from burning, and pain felt during treatment.


Incorrect Settings

The biggest risk is of burning the skin. In order to reduce the risk if burning, we measure your skin tone and your hair tone individually. That allows for a customized service so the energy going into the skin is able to differentiate well between the skin tone and the hair that its targeting. And thats how we reduce the risk of burning, because burns are usually a cause of the energy settings being incorrect.


ipl hair removal risks

There is also the potential of burning due to certain medications. We reduce this risk with an initial prescreening when you book online or over the phone. We follow that with a thorough consultation in person at your appointment. In that consultation we find out if there are medications taken orally or topically. We also look for certain products that may be used topically that were purchased over the counter or prescribed through a dermatologist or physician.


There are certain supplements that can make you photosensitive resulting in burns. Be extra vigilant as the label may not be very large on the bottle. We learn about any supplement intake through our consultation process. If we flag any supplements, for example, Vitamin B6, that will increase the risk of burns, we postpone treatment for two weeks.


The risk of scarring is diminished when we reduce the risk of burns.


As far as the risk of pain, the hand piece of our equipment has a built in cooling tip to keep your skin nice and cold at a -8° celsius so that any pain sensation you may feel is minimized.

Also, we are equipped to treat a large spectrum of skin types. We also know tips and tricks to greatly minimize pain in darker skin tones.

Book your IPL Hair Removal treatment!
Online Scheduling

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

IPL Hair Removal : What is it?

ipl hair removal what is it

What does “IPL” stand for?

To better understand what IPL Hair Removal is, let’s start of by defining “IPL”. IPL stands for Intense Pulse Light. Furthermore, DPC stands for Dynamic Pulse Control. These 2 acronyms go hand in hand when explaining our chosen technology to deliver these treatments. By emitting a light beam into the hair follicle, this treatment coagulates the melanin when the light beam turns into heat energy. This “zaps” the hair follicle, leaving it unable to grow new hair.

The DPC technology means that we can determine the “aggressiveness” of the treatment based on the duration of the pulse. In other words, shorter pulses are more aggressive, delivering the light beam in a shorter period of time, while longer pulses are less aggressive as they have a longer period to deliver the light beam.

Above all, the different range of pulse durations results in a major increase in the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

How does light-based technology work?

Light-based technology works through Selective Photothermolysis. This is the selective thermal damage of pigmented structures. It selects tissue to be destroyed by selecting tissue with significantly greater optical absorption than the surrounding tissue.

In layman’s terms, the light beam is attracted to darker pigments, thereby being able to distinguish the hair from the skin.

Because these advanced treatments involve the application of heat, not everyone is eligible for IPL Hair Removal treatments. Factors such as your rating on the Fitzpatrick Skin Type Classification Scale and your previous experience with sunburn may make you ineligible for this procedure.

Ensure that wherever you go for this procedure provides you with a thorough consultation!!!

Is IPL different than LASER hair removal?

Yes, they are different permanent hair removal procedures that have a similar purpose and achieve similar results. While laser uses an actual laser, IPL Hair Removal uses pulse light.

Book your IPL Hair Removal treatment!
Online Scheduling

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Tips for IPL Hair Removal

tips for laser hair removal

To help you achieve ultimate success in your treatments, we’ve compiled some quick tips for your IPL laser hair removal sessions.

Tips for IPL hair removal

Pain tolerance

If you have a low pain tolerance take an ibuprofen or acetaminophen prior to your appointment. This will help decrease discomfort.

24 hours or less before your appointment

To maximize the success rate of your IPL hair removal treatments, give yourself the cleanest shave possible. If hair remains on the surface, theKeep in mind that the cleaner the shave, the better the results.

Throughout the course of your treatment

It is important to avoid all forms of hair removal that remove the hair root, for example, waxing. These types of hair removal cause interruptions in your treatment which in turn decrease the success rate.

In addition, avoid heat, friction, and irritants in the area being treated for approximately one week after each treatment. On that note, for irritating razor burn and ingrown hairs we recommend picking up some “Bump Stopper” solution found in the ethnic hair care section at most drug store/supermarkets.

Another tip is to discontinue usage any products containing AHA/BHA/Retin A/Vitamin A on the area being treated 2 weeks prior to each treatment.

Last but not least, we cannot stress the importance of staying on schedule. We need to target those new/recovered hair roots at just the right time!

Wishing you all peace, love, and great skin…and don’t forget to follow the tips above for successful IPL laser hair removal treatments!

Love, Peace, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

IPL Hair Removal Treatment Frequency

ipl treatment frequency

What happens if you use IPL too often?

Treatment frequency for IPL Hair Removal (HR) sessions is 1 treatment every 6 to 8 weeks apart for body areas, and 4-6 weeks apart for facial areas. If you are having sessions too close together, you are basically working on hair that is most likely no longer alive. In other words, you are losing financially!

We need a live hair bulb in order to achieve results. Therefore, we need approximately 4-8 weeks of regrowth to have some live bulbs in the skin again. IPL is also something that you don’t want to be using too often. For this reason, we advise our clients that anything beyond 12 treatments within a 12 month period is far too much.

Like any light based treatment, IPL is a form of radiation so you want to make sure you are not overexposing your skin.

Does IPL or LASER remove hair permanently?

IPL and other light based treatments do not remove hair permanently- as in “forever”. There is always a small chance that you may have some regrowth through the years. The amount of regrowth can range from 2-50%. There are certain things that can influence that percentage. For example, hormonal changes, whether that be with age, pregnancy, or health conditions that can bring back hair growth or decrease hair growth.

Another factor to consider is the amount of reduction that was achieved during your treatment course. Regrowth percentage will influence reduction rate. A higher reduction rate, for example, 98% will have a lower regrowth percentage. On the other hand, a lower reduction rate such as 50% will see higher regrowth.

Book your IPL treatment in Edmonton!
Online Scheduling

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

IPL/ LASER hair removal on legs

ipl/ laser hair removal legs edmonton

IPL and LASER hair removal on the legs offer different procedures that have a similar purpose and achieve similar results. Located in Edmonton, AB., Dérmica offers temporary and permanent hair removal solutions.

Is laser hair removal effective on legs?

IPL/ LASER hair removal on the legs is effective even on light hair! Advanced IPL / LASER operating systems can now effectively treat lighter hair tones.  

Hair colour plays an important role when setting expectations for treatment outcomes. The light energy pulsed by the operating system targets pigment cells found in the hair bulb. As a result, the more pigment cells present, the more energy is absorbed and therefore, producing optimal results. 

How painful is laser on legs?

While LASER uses an actual laser, IPL uses pulse light. As a result, you may feel a slight, momentary sting, such as the snap of an elastic band, during your IPL treatments.

The sensation felt when the energy is delivered is described by most as a small pin-prick shock lasting only milliseconds. When graded on a scale from 1-5 for the pain felt during the session, clients will on average report under a level 3. The portion of the device that is in contact with the skin has a patented cooling system that keeps your skin slightly numb on contact.

laser hair removal edmonton

Should I shave my legs before laser?

Yes, we ask that the hair be shaved flush to the skin. The reason for this is because the laser’s target is melanin. If there is hair that is long enough to cast a shadow on the skin or fold over on to the skin, that area will get the get unnecessary heat at the surface of the skin which may cause burns.

For first timers, you must wait at least 3 weeks after waxing or tweezing before your visit. The active bulbs are required to be intact for best result.

How long does laser hair removal last legs?

Results vary and can last between 1 – 5 years before a touch-up is required. Although IPL / LASER hair removal are considered methods of “permanent hair removal”, these treatments often require touch-ups. The typical span is 1 to 5 years.

How many sessions for hairy legs?

Body areas require longer rebooking timeframes than facial areas. The typical regimen is 8-12 treatment sessions, spaced 4-12 weeks apart, depending on the body area. Therefore, your treatment course could last up to 2 years when doing IPL/ LASER hair removal on the legs. That is to say, a successful IPL treatment course requires commitment.

The exact number of sessions will depend on genetics and personal preference. Clients report 20-60% reduction after the first treatment. Each session afterwards will reduce the remaining amount of hair by approximately 10%. Sessions are continued until the client has reached their reduction goal and growth has been stopped.

Book your IPL/ LASER hair removal in Edmonton!
Online Scheduling

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Get in Touch

Sun 10am - 5pm | Mon 10am - 5pm | Tue 10am - 6pm | Wed 10am - 6pm | Thur 10am - 8pm | Fri 10am - 5pm | Sat 10am - 5pm
10518 82 Avenue NW, Edmonton / Get directions
(780) 885-7108 bookings@dermica.ca