Jhoenna has taken her 15 years of experience in the beauty industry and known expertise to develop the Dérmica line of results-driven esthetic treatments that are sure to surpass your expectations!
Coconut oil is an emollient. It is not going to stimulate or accelerate hair growth, but it will aid in keeping the hair conditioned. This in turn will help keep that hair intact for longer periods of time. As a result, it will extend the life of that strand by preventing breakage prematurely.
Does Vaseline help your eyelashes grow?
Vaseline does not have any active ingredients in it; It is strictly a barrier. It does not have any vitamins, minerals, or other hydrating properties. Vaseline is an occluse substance, therefore, it is not good for use in the eyelash area.
This is because the follicles in the lash area are are very fine and vaseline can quickly congest those follicles. This can cause styes and other sebaceous irritations. The pores need to be able to excrete. Applying an occluse substance will block the pores’ ability to breathe sort of speak.
How can I make my eyebrows and eyelashes thicker naturally?
There are a few things you can do at home for growing your lashes naturally.
To begin, removing your makeup properly is very important when growing the lashes naturally. Make sure that your lashes are properly cleansed down to the base.
Remember, the more obstruction you have along that area, the harder it will be for that hair to grow to its fullest potential. Avoid using very drying agents around the eyes. For example, some makeup removers can be very drying which is going to make the lashes a lot more brittle.
Try to avoid astringent or alcohol-based makeup remover on the eyes. Use conditioning serums that will feed your lashes with proper ingredients. Castor oil is a common ingredient in brow and eyelash conditioners. It is known to help promote length and volume in the eyebrows and lashes.
Appearing longer with spa services
Lash lifts go a long way in helping the lashes appear longer for those with shorter or straight lashes. The lash lift creates a natural-looking curl thereby giving the illusion of longer lashes. Lash lifts typically last about 6-8 weeks. Another spa service that gives the illusion of longer lashes is a lash tint. These are great for people with light-coloured lashes.
Lash LiftLash TintSpa services can help make the lashes appear longer.
We understand any hesitancy around gel polish. That’s why we thought it important to talk about gel polish in manicures and pedicures.
Is gel polish bad for nails?
As far as the formulation of professional grade products, they are formulated to be safe enough to use on the nail beds on a consistent basis. Any damage to the nails comes from from the removal and/or the application process.
Gel polish safety during preparation
If the nail is being over filed, more of the nail bed is exposed to the binding agents and other chemicals in the products. Going deeper than one should causes damage to the natural nail in the buffing process. In addition, there is the possibility of staining the nails. Stained nails are not visibly appealing and can happen due to improper application.
Gel polish safety during removal
Again, if the nail is being over filed it becomes susceptible to damage: Thinning of the nail, breaking, sensitivity to cold, heat, or the curation process when the gel is being cured under the UV light.
Is the UV light for gel nails harmful?
Like any light, it is a form of radiation that light can be harmful. However, the lights that are used now are LED curing lights. In the past, older curing lights that were used mainly for gel nail extensions used UV light. It was a different type of bulb with a different mechanism to the machine. The application of gel polish became much safer with the introduction of LED lights. But again, because it is a form of radiation it’s gonna cause some level of damage, especially if done improperly.
Are there any side effects to gel nail polish?
Some people will experience a heat sensitivity during the curing process depending on the indivdual. For example, some people may have allergies to an ingredient in the product and experience a reaction.
Dryness is a side effect because of all the removers such as acetone being used in order prepare and dehydrate the nail. Lotion can be used to help avoid that.
Finally, there is the thinning of the nail. The fingernails take about 6 months to fully restore themselves. When working on a fresh application, even if the nail is prepared properly, you’ll still be working on that nail bed that was previously worked on if you’re doing gel polish monthly.
How long is it safe to wear gel nail polish?
It is safe to wear gel polish for as long as it wears, that is, until it naturally sheds or you have it removed. In fact, whether you use gel polish or your classic varnish, it is always recommended that you give the nails a break. This allows them to build some strength again, and it allows them breathe.
The number of chemical peels (acid peels) you need in order to see results depends on what your goal is and how far your want to take the results.
If your goal is to exfoliate the skin and brighten the overall complexion on a basic level and you have fairly clear skin, then yes, one chemical peel is enough to achieve a more rejuvenated complexion. Keep in mind that it is not a permanent fix. In other words, the results will last you from six to eight weeks.
On the other hand, if you are looking to treat acne or deep congestion in the skin, then one treatment will not be enough. You will need to continue treatments until the oil is balanced, the inflammation is reduced, and the pores are cleaned out. All this takes multiple sessions. Realistically, these types of goals are achieved in about six to eight treatments.
What about when treating hyperpigmentation?
The same thing goes when treating hyperpigmentation. It depends on a few factors. These include the amount of pigmentation there is in the area, the size of the spot, how deep it is, and the cause of the hyperpigmentation, to name a few. For example, hyperpigmentation can occur due to factors such as medication, skin conditions, genetics, and trauma to the skin.
Anti-aging goals
Like the rest of us, you are always going to be fighting against time! So whatever results you are able to achieve with anti-aging treatments is temporary because you age everyday. So if the goal is anti-aging, then resurfacing the skin and accelerating the cell’s turnover rate is the goal. These results can be achieved with one deep chemical peel. But if you have sensitive skin, it is a process that can be delivered gradually overthree to four sessions. Peels will only penetrate as deep as that grade/level of percentage can go. From there, anything beyond would just be causing unnecessary trauma to the skin.
Are chemical peels painful?
Chemical peels can be uncomfortable. Depending on their pain tolerance, some people may experience pain in the form of stinging or a little burning sensation. The average person will report an intense irritation often described as the feeling you get when you’ve cut jalapeño peppers and then accidentally touched your face.
You may also feel a strong urge to scratch where the peel has been applied while its absorbing into the skin. In terms of it being painful, it’s a matter of individual experience. For most people its not the case. In addition, any discomfort that you feel can be reduced by fanning the area during the treatment.
What is the downside of chemical peels?
The downside of chemical peels is the recovery process. Depending on your reaction, some people may experience major flaking that is very apparent.
While dermaplaning vs shaving are both forms of superficial hair removal, dermplaning has unique skincare benefits. Both shaving and dermaplane are forms of depilation. In other words, the bulb of the hair and anything underneath the skin is left intact.
Skincare benefits
Dermaplaning has additional benefits for the skin. It achieves superficial exfoliation using a blade to lightly graze the dead skin off in a controlled manner. On the other hand, if you are using a “bic” or a razor, you are going to get some grazing of the skin, but not in a controlled manner. If you are pushing hard enough to get that finish, you’ll end up causing some damage even if the blade is brand new.
Differences between shaving and dermaplane
When dermaplaning, we use single blades that come in different sizes and levels of sharpness. As a result, our tools allow us to achieve a controlled exfoliation of dead skin. Whereas with a bic the intention is that it will be strong and rigid enough to cut hair- not skin. Plus, it’s shaped in a way designed to cut hair- which is very different from skin.
Although hair and skin are made of the same thing, hair no longer has that live activity to it so it can’t be hurt by the pressure of a razor, whereas the skin will be punctured and become injured.
‘At home’ straight blades
Again, the sharpness and type of blade is different than what is used in a professional setting. You won’t be able to get as fine a finish without causing injury to the skin.
Located in YEG, Dérmica offers short and long term solutions for hair removal.
Waxing- Short term hair removal
Traditionally, waxing involves the use of warm wax, typically honey or pine resin-based and cloth strips. The esthetician first preps the area by disinfecting and applying a protective barrier to the skin. The warm wax is then applied using a wooden spatula and covered with a cloth strip; this is referred to as strip waxing or soft waxing. The strip is then quickly pulled off parallel to the skin and voilà your skin is left smooth and hair free!
Prior to booking a wax service ensure your hair is at least ¼ inch long, and has not been sunburned, treated with AHA/BHA, or prescription acne medications. Avoid caffeine for a couple hours before your appointment to reduce sensitivity. Results are visible for about 2 weeks, with 4-6 weeks before you are ready for your next visit. After care for waxing includes: avoiding heat, sun exposure, strong/fragranced, lotions, and washes for 24 hours and frequent skin exfoliation.
IPL- Long term hair removal
For a permanent solution, opt for IPL hair removal treatments. These advanced treatments should only be performed by trained and certified technicians. They are somewhat of an investment and can cause injury to your skin if not delivered properly, so do your research and make sure operational requirements are met by both the business and technician.
If you choose to have your treatment performed by the experts at Dérmica, here’s what you can expect:
Our tech begins by disinfecting your skin, she provides you with your protective eyewear, then off she goes zapping away.
Some lasers, like ours, are equipped with cooling systems, making your service a breeze. The cooling system makes your treatment significantly less painful (if at all), and 100% less messy than other lasers.
For the following 24-48 hours you will be required to avoid direct heat, perspiration, sun exposure, strong/fragranced soaps, lotions and washes. Ensure your skin has not been sunburned, treated with AHA/BHA, or medications/vitamins that may affect your skin.
Typically you will notice a stunt in the growth of hair, followed by what seems to be continued growth, then towards your 4-6 week the hair will begin to fall out. At this point you are ready for your next session.
Get rid of pimples on your back with a back treatment for acne. Located in Edmonton, Alberta, Dérmica offers back treatment and back peel options to address skin concerns on your back.
What causes pimples on the back?
Pimples on the back can be caused by a number of things. Like the face, acne can affect the back as well. But what causes it? Some professionals will say hormones, diet, medication, and environmental factors play a contributing factor. In addition, improper use of products and ph imbalances on the skin can lead to acne.
Does back acne go away with age?
Back acne will go away with age if the contributing factor is an excess of oil production. This is due to a natural decrease in oil production as we age.
What soap/body wash gets rid of body acne?
Acne is best treated with BHA products. The main one being salicylic acid. Salicylic acid helps to decongest the skin’s surface and pores. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce the size of postules. In addition, it has the proper ph to balance oily and acne prone skin.
How often should I get a back treatment?
The frequecy of treatments depends on the phase the skin is in. if you are actively treating the condition, then book a treatment every 6-8 weeks. Otherwise, maintenance can be done seasonally.
What to expect after a back treatment?
You can expect minor skin sensitivity after a back treatment if there have been a lot of extractions. Depending on the products used and whether a “acid boost” was included to enhance the results, there may be some dryness, tightness to the skin, and possible flaking.