Treating Rosacea with Phototherapy

Treating Rosacea with Phototherapy

Causes of Rosacea

Rosacea appears to be caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, which may include the immune system and a family history. It is unknown exactly what causes Rosacea, however, research shows that Rosacea is a chronic condition without a cure. 

Symptoms of Rosacea

There are four levels of rosacea, which are defined by the following range of symptoms: 

Mild: Characterized by occasional or consistent facial flushing and redness. There may some swelling, burning and stinging, roughness, and visible red blood vessels as it progresses to the next level. 

Moderate: Characterized by persistent mild symptoms, plus the appearance of pimple-like bumps. Unfortunately, many people mistake moderate Rosacea for acne. As a result, they do not treat their condition appropriately until more advanced levels of Rosacea. 

Severe (Rhinophym): Characterized by moderate Rosacea symptoms, plus the thickening of the skin tissue and plaque formation in the nose thereby giving an enlarged appearance.  

Ocular: Characterized by skin symptoms that also affect the eyes and eyelids. It may cause redness to the surrounding skin tissue but also burning or stinging, dryness, light sensitivity, blurred vision, and watery, bloodshot eyes. 

Treatment for Rosacea

Located in Edmonton, we treat rosacea with phototherapy, specifically, the ALIVIA photofacial. Photofacials emit a light beam into the skin. This beam is absorbed by different skin lesions. Through selective photothermolysis, the light pulse selectively destroys a specified target without damaging the surrounding tissue. This causes the blood to coagulate and the vessel to break up into particles. Finally, the particles are naturally filtered away through the body’s lymphatic system. 

Book your phototherapy treatment for Rosacea in Edmonton!Schedule Appointment

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Chemical Peel Post Care

chemical peel post care

Precautions To Take After Your Treatment

Follow these chemical peel post care tips. Chemical peels resurface the skin which leaves it vulnerable and sensitive. Being very gentle with your skin afterwards is very important.

Sun exposure

Avoiding direct and extended sun exposure is very important. This is because these new cells can easily become damaged when exposed to UV for periods longer than 15 minutes.

Using an SPF of 3 0 or higher is highly recommended. Typically, physical SPFs are more gentle on the skin. Using a physical barrier such as a hat or seeking shade when extended sun exposure can’t be avoided is important.

Colder temperatures

cotton scarf

When the temperature drops it is important to keep you skin guarded from the harsh winds that come along with the cold winter weather. Having a clean, soft, cotton scarf to guard the face is important.

As we go into the fall we are wearing higher collars and coats. These typically don’t get washed on a daily basis. Therefore, having that scarf as a barrier between your coat collar and your skin is important to avoid bacteria transfer and also friction from the heavier material.

Although the fall and winter months don’t have as much daylight, it is still important to apply your SPF daily. Especially once the snow blankets the ground because we get the reflection of the sun off of the snow which can be magnified and cause sunburn much faster than a typical summer day.


Also avoiding makeup application for at least 48 hours is important. You can mascara, eye makeup, lip, or brow makeup, but avoid any type of base makeup unless it s a high quality mineral-based makeup or bb tint with a light tint.

How long does it take for your skin to heal after a chemical peel?

Typically the skin has regenerated within 2-3 days. However, there are many layers to the skin, so that timeframe accounts for only the most superficial top layer. The peel penetrates to deeper layers. There is about a two week period where you’re constantly resurfacing. Thats where the skin peeling effect happens for some people as it expels the dead cells. During that two-week process your skin is regenerating an accelerated rate as a result of the peel.

Follow the chemical peel post care tips for best results.

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Removing brown spots on face with phototherapy

removing brown spots on face with laser

Located in Edmonton, Dérmica offers treatments that help in removing brown spots on the face with laser and peels.

How does phototherapy remove hyperpigmentation?

One of the treatments we offer is IPL phototherapy. It removes hyperpigmentation by pulsing light energy into the skin that targets excess melanin cells. These pigment cells absorb the light energy. As a result, they overheat and are destroyed in the process.

This destruction forces the body to digest and expel the cells out of the skin. In turn, this process promotes the regeneration of healthy cells.

Can you see results after 1 IPL session?

Not only is it possible to see results after one IPL treatment, it is common. Keep in mind the intensity of the results depends on different factors. The more contrast there is between the tone of the lesion and the tone of the skin, the more visible the result that is seen with each treatment.

A higher contrast means that more energy is absorbed into the lesion and less into the surrounding tissues. Higher intensities can be used with certain skin tones.

Another factor that contributes to quick visible results is the cause of the brown spots. For example, scarring or sun damage can be cleared much faster than pigment-related skin conditions, such as melasma.

Do brown spots come back after IPL phototherapy?

Brown spots on the face can return depending on what caused them in the first place. If it is genetics-related such a freckles or beauty marks, then they may come back. If it is a skin condition, for example melasma, it can reoccur. On the other hand, if it is due to a scar, trauma, or sun damage, chances are it will not come back.

Start removing brown spots on your face with IPL/ laser in Edmonton!Schedule Appointment

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Who is not suitable for dermaplaning?

dermaplaning edmonton, yeg dermaplaning, dermaplaning contraindications,

Can anyone get dermaplaning?

We understand the appeal. What is there not to like about dermaplane? It’s a non-invasive skin resurfacing treatment that yields fabulous results! However, not everyone is suitable for dermaplaning.

Physically compromised skin is not suitable. For example, clients with a medical skin condition such as psoriasis, eczema, or other forms of dermatitis. Also, clients with severe cystic acne accompanied by inflammation in the skin or infections are not eligible for dermaplane.

Dermaplane with caution

Other types of contraindications exist where we can proceed with caution. For example, we take additional safety measures when dermaplaning on clients that have blood coagulating abnormalities. The reason for this is that these clients bleed more profusely and don’t clot properly.

Additional measures are also taken when dermaplaning on clients that have senile skin.

What can you do instead of dermaplaning?

If you are not eligible for a dermaplaning treatment, there are other resurfacing treatment options.

Chemical resurfacing

If you are unable to get dermaplaning due to mechanical compromise, you may benefit from chemical exfoliation. Chemical peels are a great alternative. A chemical peel is the application of a product that soaks in and dissolves the dead skin.

If what you were hoping to achieve with dermaplane is brightening, then go for an alphahydroxy-based peel. For those not eligible for demaplane due to acne, a betahydroxy acid peel is a great way to pretreat and prepare the skin for future dermaplane.

Light-based resurfacing

Photofacials are a light-based form of resurfacing. Photofacials target the structural cells of the skin which then regenerate and cause the old ones to move up and shed.

Milder options

If you are unable to get dermaplaning and are looking for a milder option than the aformentioned treatments, a facial could do the trick.

Facials involve deep cleansing and exfoliation by means of scrub exfoliants or enzymatic exfoliants. Peel boost containing alpha hydroxy or beta hydroxy acids are highly recommended in order to achieve as close brightening results as possible to a dermaplaning treatment.

Hair removal

If the hair removal benefits is what a client is looking for in dermaplaning, we recommend waxing or IPL hair removal.

Book your Dermaplaning treatment in Edmonton!
Online Scheduling

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Hot Yoga and Your Skin

hot yoga effects on skin

Does hot yoga cause facial skin irritation?

Hot yoga effects on the skin will vary according to the individual’s skin type, age, and other health related factors.

Under-stimulated skin types such as dry or mature will benefit from the stimulation brought on by the steam. Heat helps increase circulation which can in turn aid in stimulating the oil production and absorption levels of the skin.

Natural processes have slowed down in aging skin in particular. The stimulation caused by the heat will help increase the cell turnover rate, and hydration and moisture levels that decrease with age.

There are certain skin conditions or medications that can cause the skin to become sensitive or sensitized to heat application. This includes the hot yoga. The two main skin care concerns we see as technicians resulting from heat sensitivity are Rosacea and Acne.

Rosacea & Acne prone skin

Rosacea is aggravated by the application of heat. A person with this condition may cause potential harm to their skin.

Acne prone skin types will see an increase in oil production. As a result, they end up making their skin more susceptible to bacterial infections. This is because they are sweating profusely while the pores are open by the added heat and humidity.

Exposure frequency

If you are exposing your skin to that level of heat and activity on a daily basis, regarding of your skin type, hot yoga is going to have damaging effects on your skin. Overheating the skin can have a drying effect and cause inflammation and vascular lesions on the skin.

Tips to heal heat damage

If you love hot yoga and are regularly participating, there are things you can do to counteract the effects of the heat exposure.

One thing you can do is ensure that you always do a cold wash after your workout. In other words, don’t wait to wash your face until you get home. It’s not so much about cleaning it, it’s about calming it. Once you get home you can do a deep cleanse and care using nourishing products such as masks or serums that contain hyaluronic acid or aloe vera.

If you are a dryer skin type, make sure that you use the appropriate moisturizer for your skin to lock in the hydration. If you have acne-prone skin, you may benefit from a cleanser that contains salicylic acid which will help counterbalance the increased oil production caused by the heat exposure.

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Dermica Pore Facial Treats Oily Forehead

oily forehead male or female

Q: Dérmica,
Why is my forehead so much more oily than the rest of my face? Do you treat a male oily forehead differently than a female?
– Oiler fan @ forehead, I mean, heart.

A: Dear Oiler fan,
The reason for your oily forehead is because you have combination skin. To treat a male or female oily forehead, we developed the Dérmica PORE facial. This facial is used to rebalance combination skin types and restore glowing skin, thereby allowing you to part with your oily forehead.

The PORE Facial includes all the essentials of a classic facial with an emphasis on clearing congested skin by extracting blackheads, milia, and other skin blemishes.

After a thorough skin analysis where we determine your skin type and condition, we begin the treatment by removing build-up and debris from the skin. This allows for proper product penetration and supple, glowing skin.

Products applied are dependent on specific zone needs. For example oily areas such as your forehead are treated with oil absorbing and pore minimizing products, and dehydrated areas are treated with hydrating products. Our custom applications ensure balancing benefits.

-Jhoenna, Spa Director and Treatment Developer

Book your facial in Edmonton.
Online Scheduling

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Get in Touch

Sun 10am - 5pm | Mon 10am - 5pm | Tue 10am - 6pm | Wed 10am - 6pm | Thur 10am - 8pm | Fri 10am - 5pm | Sat 10am - 5pm
10518 82 Avenue NW, Edmonton / Get directions
(780) 885-7108