How do I prepare for my first bikini wax?

My first bikini wax
A tried and true form of pubic hair removal is waxing. Waxing is great because you get a smooth finish that lasts for weeks. Does it hurt? Well, let’s just say it’s the only spa service that you want to move along quickly! However, we have some tips on making your first bikini wax as pleasant as can be.
How do I prepare for my first bikini wax?
Our first tip is to make sure that your pubic hair is a good length for removal.
If the hair is too long it will cause unnecessary discomfort to an already uncomfortable service. If its longer than the first ridge on your pinky, that is where you are starting to get to the uncomfortable range.
On the other hand, if it’s too short it can increase the amount of hair that breaks. This results in more tweezing than necessary. If it’s under a quarter of an inch, then its most likely too short.
Course hair
If you have very course hair, using conditioner on that hair on the day of your waxing service helps to soften the hair. This conditioning makes the hair more flexible and less likely to break.
In addition, exfoliating a couple of days leading up to your spa appointment helps too. If there is hair that is just below the surface of the skin, exfoliation can help pop that up which we can tweeze during your visit.
What do I wear to a bikini wax?
We recommend wearing loose fitted bottoms including pants and underwear. Breathable fabrics, for example, cotton, help sooth after your service. Avoid items like thongs or g-strings, bring on the granny panties.
We hope you feel a little more prepared for your upcoming experience. Your service provider will take steps to ensure your comfort and care.
Book your waxing in Edmonton!

Love, Peace, and Great Skin!
Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108
Tags: bikini hair removal, bikini waxing edmonton, brazilian hair removal, brazilian waxing edmonton