Eyebrow Lightening

Located in Edmonton, we offer an eyebrow lightening service in our spa menu: The Brow LITE.
How does eyebrow lightening work?
Have you recently dyed your hair and now you want your brows to blend better with your new ‘do?
Try the Brow LITE. This brow lightening service works in similar fashion to hair lightening. In other words, we are lifting the colour out of the hair rather than depositing colour into the hair. Similarly, the solutions used are a creme bleach and a peroxide-based developer.
These products are a lot milder than what you would use on the scalp and are intended for use on the brows. The setting time is also a fraction of what you would do on the scalp.
How much can Brow LITE lighten my brows?

As far as how much it can lighten the brows depends on the client’s preference. We can lighten various shades. For example, we can take a dark tone eyebrow to a very light tone because its such fine hair. Typically with the Brow LITE, like other hair lightening services, we are not simply bleaching the colour out of the hair. We are also sealing and depositing new colour into the hair which neutralizes a lot of the brassy undertones you get when you bleach out a darker hair. This helps to achieve the right hair tone and colour level.
How long does eyebrow lightening last?
Any hair that has been bleached out will permanently be lightened until it starts to grow out. You will eventually start to get a demarcation where you have the new growth versus the bleached growth. So, the lightening itself lasts until your treated hair naturally sheds, but the toner that is applied afterwards can last anywhere from 3-4 weeks before it starts to fade.
Brow Lightening Safety
The contraindications for brow lightening are the same as any other lash or brow tinting service. Let your esthetician know if you have sensitivity or allergies to peroxide-based products or if you are taking oral medications that sensitize the skin. If you have previously reacted to hair lightening products or hair colour you should avoid this service.
Other contraindications include the use of strong topical products (normally prescribed) or recent advanced skincare treatments such as chemical peels, light-based resurfacing, or other deep exfoliating treatments.
Book your brow lightening in Edmonton!Schedule Appointment
Peace, Love, and Great Skin!
Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108
Tags: brow bleaching, brow lite, edmonton, eyebrow lightening