Heel Fissures Treatment and Home Care Tips

What causes fissures on your feet?
Heel fissures are deep cracks in calloused areas of the foot. Callous is an overgrowth of dry dead skin. This is often caused by improper foot care. For instance, not removing callous on a regular basis and allowing it to get abnormally thick. However, there are other causes of fissures. Medications that dry out the skin, bad foot wear, and improper weight distribution can cause excessive callous which can then lead to fissures.
How long does it take to heal a heel fissure?
Fissures do not go away on their own. They need to be shaved down. Heel fissures treatment includes a series of pedicures to safely and effectively remove excess callous.
Careful though…
Sometimes, excessive callous is caused by bad pedicures. If too much callous is removed, the skin will overcompensate and build twice as much callous. Fissures can be taken down by means of either a pedicure blade, drills, and rasps in a spa pedicure.
Garbage to some, gold to others.
Aftercare includes using a foot cream that contains urea. Urea is derived from urine. More specifically, it is a waste product excreted by your kidneys when you urinate. Though this sounds gross, urea helps to soften and eat away the dead skin. While your kidneys may consider it garbage, urea is gold to your sad feet! Urea has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that heal and protect your feet.
Tips: Moisturizing often, regular pedicures, and home care.
After applying foot cream, try to use soft socks, for example, cotton socks. Avoid pantyhose as they can get caught in the fissures. Consequently, this can cause snagging and even bleeding which can lead to infections. Moreover, using a foot paddle or pumice stone in the shower will help maintain foot care.
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Love, Peace, and Great Skin!
Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108
Tags: foot care, pedicure, yeg