Looking Fresh Before and After Your Flight

It’s that time of the year again! People are flying all over the globe for the holidays. In all of our excitement, we often forget about flight skin care and the effects flying can have on our skin.
What is happening?
Our skin is more prone to infections and buildup when flying due to the recirculated stale air in the cabin. When you share air in a confined space with that many people you are exposed to many contaminants. In addition, the air is dry and arid so your skin can become dehydrated. This results in dull skin complexion and dead skin/oil build up.
Aside from the air, you are exposed to bacteria in the airports and your flights. Many of us don’t realize how often we touch our face. Bacteria transfer is just one touch away.
What is the solution?

Your main skin care focus after a flight should be to refresh and rehydrate your skin. You can do that with exfoliation. Acids are a great way to rebalance the skin’s ph. Also, hyaluronic acid for after care will help rehydrate your skin.
Chemical peels are nice after a flight because they are able to break through the layer that has built up. It is the best way to break through because most exfoliants are unable to dissolve the “glue and gunk” that holds the dead skin at the surface.
Facials -pre or post flight?
Definitely pre-flight! We recommend facials as a great way to prepare for a vacation. Especially the Beauty facial– your brows and skin are ready to go and receive a healthy dose of sun.
Post-flight you may want to focus on damage control, such as peels and photofacials.
You can get peels sooner than photofacials. More specifically, you can come in as early as one week after your return flight or last sun exposure. On the other hand, you have to wait until your tan subsides to get a photofacial. This can take anywhere from 2 weeks to longer.
Book your skin treatment. Schedule Appointment
Peace, Love, and Great Skin!
Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108