There are some things to consider when deciding between IPL or LASER hair removal. Below are some popular questions clients ask when making their choice.
Is IPL as strong as LASER?
The short answer is yes. IPL is as strong in terms of delivering results. The amount of sessions required are similar with both systems. In other words, you get the same results in the end. The main different between IPL and LASER is the type of light they are emitting. LASER uses a single beam, whereas IPL delivers a broad spectrum. This means that the system delivers different types of treatments because you have more range in that light spectrum.
What are the advantages of IPL over LASER?
If we are basing it on results, they are on par with each other. Now, based on the comfort level of the service, IPL tends to be more gentle with the surrounding tissue. The reason for this is that broad spectrum we mentioned earlier. Within that spectrum, depending on the person’s hair tone, skin tone, and the number of sessions they’ve had, the machine will filter out a specific depth of penetration that will only affect the target so that the surrounding tissue is not compromised.
Do IPL and LASER hair removal feel similar?
IPL and LASER do not feel similar. With IPL, the system wIll make direct contact with the person’s skin, whereas LASER will hover over the skin.
Another difference is that LASER typically uses a hose that outputs cold air to cool the skin. On the other hand, with IPL, depending on the system, the technician may use an ultrasound jelly to keep the skin cold. Other systems, for example the Sharplight system that we use, uses contact cooling, via the actual window that touches the skin.
Can you switch from LASER to IPL and vice versa?
Yes, you can safely switch because they are both light based treatments. Some differences you may notice are the way the treatments are delivered. Examples include the cooling mechanism, the sitting time, and possibly the frequency of treatments.
When it comes to your currents results, it should not have an effect on your current results or cause any regrowth to happen. If this happens, it’s most likely not the system. However, it could be that your settings are not set accordingly. This is why it’s important to let your technician know that you have had previous treatments, how many treatments you’ve had and also the efficacy of those treatments.
Peace, Love, and Great Skin!
-Dérmica MedEsthetics
Tags: ipl hair removal, ipl vs laser, laser hair removal, yeg