Chemical Peel Results: Is one peel enough?

Can you see results after one chemical peel?
The number of chemical peels (acid peels) you need in order to see results depends on what your goal is and how far your want to take the results.
If your goal is to exfoliate the skin and brighten the overall complexion on a basic level and you have fairly clear skin, then yes, one chemical peel is enough to achieve a more rejuvenated complexion. Keep in mind that it is not a permanent fix. In other words, the results will last you from six to eight weeks.
On the other hand, if you are looking to treat acne or deep congestion in the skin, then one treatment will not be enough. You will need to continue treatments until the oil is balanced, the inflammation is reduced, and the pores are cleaned out. All this takes multiple sessions. Realistically, these types of goals are achieved in about six to eight treatments.
What about when treating hyperpigmentation?
The same thing goes when treating hyperpigmentation. It depends on a few factors. These include the amount of pigmentation there is in the area, the size of the spot, how deep it is, and the cause of the hyperpigmentation, to name a few. For example, hyperpigmentation can occur due to factors such as medication, skin conditions, genetics, and trauma to the skin.
Anti-aging goals
Like the rest of us, you are always going to be fighting against time! So whatever results you are able to achieve with anti-aging treatments is temporary because you age everyday. So if the goal is anti-aging, then resurfacing the skin and accelerating the cell’s turnover rate is the goal. These results can be achieved with one deep chemical peel. But if you have sensitive skin, it is a process that can be delivered gradually overthree to four sessions. Peels will only penetrate as deep as that grade/level of percentage can go. From there, anything beyond would just be causing unnecessary trauma to the skin.
Are chemical peels painful?
Chemical peels can be uncomfortable. Depending on their pain tolerance, some people may experience pain in the form of stinging or a little burning sensation. The average person will report an intense irritation often described as the feeling you get when you’ve cut jalapeño peppers and then accidentally touched your face.
You may also feel a strong urge to scratch where the peel has been applied while its absorbing into the skin. In terms of it being painful, it’s a matter of individual experience. For most people its not the case. In addition, any discomfort that you feel can be reduced by fanning the area during the treatment.
What is the downside of chemical peels?
The downside of chemical peels is the recovery process. Depending on your reaction, some people may experience major flaking that is very apparent.