Posts Tagged ‘ingrown toenail’

Ingrown Toenail Tips

What are the causes of ingrown toenails?

An ingrown toenail is caused by an overgrowth of nail along the side of the nail. Consequently, this condition creates pressure which can lead to swelling, a lot of pain, and even infections. The extra nail growth can be caused by many factors. For example, incorrect nail cutting, trauma or injury to the nail, or genetics.

Can an ingrown toenail heal itself?

ingrown nails pedicure dermica

With proper nail care, cutting, and trimming, an ingrown toenail can grow out by itself. However, in certain cases, the ingrown nail will continue to come back.

For instance, ingrown toenails due to the way the shoe forms pressure on the foot will return as long as the specific shoes are in use.

In cases where its hereditary or due to the shape of the foot, ingrown toenails may have to be surgically removed or sometimes the whole toenail is surgically removed.

What happens of an ingrown toenail is left untreated?

If it’s a mild condition ingrown toenails can be treated with proper foot care and nail care.

On the other hand, they can turn into an infection which can turn sepsis. In other words, the infection makes its ways to your bloodstream and can become severe.

How do we fix ingrown toenails?

In mild cases, your service provider will clean the area and file down the sides, properly trim and monitor growth.

DIY and tips to prevent ingrown toenails

  • do not cut nails down too short
foot care
  • wear properly fitted shoes
  • above all, practice regular foot care including cleaning around the nails or regular pedicures

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(780) 885 7108

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