Milia Removal

What are milia?
Milia are nodules (abnormal growths) that have formed in a sack. Think of milia as little “placentas” attached to the skin. These “placentas” are feeding and pulling nutrients from the skin. As a result, milia removal involves the physical removal of the sac fully intact.
What is the main cause of milia?
Milia is caused by internal factors. As a result, their treatment requires professional care. At Dérmica, we can help alleviate the symptoms of milia that show on the skin with a PORE facial.
Can milia be scraped?
Although exfoliation helps to stimulate the skin and brings impurities up to the surface, milia should not be scraped. These means of mechanical exfoliation are not ideal to treat milia. For example, microdermabrasion or granular exfoliation is too aggressive for milia, especially when its found in very sensitive areas such as the undereyes.
If you’re wanting to bring the milia up to the surface, chemical exfoliation or enzymatic exfoliation would be more appropriate. And of course, a PORE facial if you want immediate results.
Can milia be popped?
In general, milia can be safely extracted with proper preparation of the skin. Some are close enough to the surface that you are able to squeeze them out through the follicle opening. On the other hand, others may require a little assistance using a lancet (a very fine-tip needle) to pierce the skin. The lancet leaves an opening allowing the technician to extract the milia that is trapped in the skin.
Do milia multiply?
If your skin is prone to milia then you are more likely to develop more than one in the area or surrounding areas of the face.
Is there a cream to remove milia?
There are products available on the market that help stimulate exfoliation of the skin which then push impurities up to the surface. These products are typically retinol based, hydroxy acid based, or have other resurfacing ingredients.
Recommended skincare routine to prevent future milia
There is nothing you can really do to prevent milia if your skin is prone to them. However, you can minimize their severity and frequency by including exfoliating products in your skincare routine. In addition, regular facials will help keep milia to a minimum.
Book your milia removal in Edmonton!Schedule Appointment
Peace, Love, and Great Skin!
Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108