Skin Tightening Edmonton

Located in Edmonton, we offer skin tightening phototherapy treatments. Our ALISA photofacial is our preferred treatment for dull skin appearance and textural damage, for example, scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, and large pores.
How do photofacials work?
Photofacials emit light energy into the skin. The light beam destroys specified targets without damaging the surrounding tissue. This process promotes the production fresh and plump new cells, increase collagen production, circulation, and cell turnover rate.
What about pitted scarring?

Photofacials accelerate the healing process by building extra collagen and plumping the skin. They add volume to damaged skin.
We recommend having your skin under control before starting photofacials. We define “under control” as acne that has been decreasing over the course of 6 months, and in remission for another 3-6 months.
Pre-treatment protocols:
- Must not currently be on or have used Accutane or any other oral prescription acne medications in the past 12 months
- If currently using any products containing AHA/BHA/Retin A/Vitamin A on the area being treated, you must discontinue usage 2 weeks prior to procedure
- Must wait a minimum of 4 weeks (or up to 6 weeks for darker skin types) from last tanning (artificial or natural) session
- If currently on any prescription medications, check with your physician regarding possible photosensitivity
Time frame: 45 minutes
Recommended sessions: 4-6
- Diabetes
- Pregnancy
- Disorders stimulated by light
- Cancer (remission under 2 years)
- Epilepsy
- Use of photosensitive medication and herbs
- Active infection of Herpes Simplex in treatment area
- Use of anticoagulants
Potential side effects:
- Discomfort
- Fragile skin
- Edema (swelling)
- Erythema (redness)
Downtime required: 24 hrs
Book your Skin Tightening treatment in Edmonton!

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!
Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108