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Dérmica MedEsthetics

Jhoenna has taken her 15 years of experience in the beauty industry and known expertise to develop the Dérmica line of results-driven esthetic treatments that are sure to surpass your expectations!

Do IPL treatments damage the skin?

do IPL treatments damage the skin

Is IPL damaging my skin?

IPL treatments do not damage the skin if your technician sets the proper settings. The treatment delivers a pulse to the bulb of the hair. If the settings are inputted properly then it avoids being absorbed into the skin.

Aside from temporary heat in the area treated, there should not be adverse reactions on the skin. Heat in the skin typically lasts anywhere from one to 24 hours.

Who should not get IPL hair removal?

Not everyone is eligible for IPL treatments. While the light energy of IPL itself will not damage the skin, certain factors could result in damage.

Certain medications

Anyone that has skin conditions in the areas being treated that are contrandicated should avoid IPL. Certain medications, topical or oral, can make the skin sensitive or photosensitive.

Very light hair

People with light hair tones, for example blonde, white, or silver hair should have realistic expectations of IPL hair removal treatments. Sometimes these hair colours don’t have enough melanin for the machine to be able to register and destroy the targeted hair bulb.

If the person’s hair is too light there may not be enough contrast between the hair and skin tone. The machine favours skin types that show a better contrast of dark hair on a lighter skin background. Having this contrast tends to allow for maximum absorption of light energy directly into the bulb.

That is not to say that other skin types are not successful, we would simply change the setting for this. However, there is a point where if the skin and hair tone are too close together. The machine may confuse the melanin content in the skin for the target and could cause burning or not actually treat the hair becasue the settings are maintained too low to make a difference in an effort to avod hitting the skin tone.


People with tattoos in the area being treated should avoid IPL. Your technician has to stay a safe distance from existing tattoos in order to avoid heating and potentially damaging the pigment that is implanted with the tattoo.


In addition, pregnant women should refrain from IPL treatments. This is not to say that it will necessarily cause any damage to the fetus, but it’s best to avoid any form of radiation treatment during pregnancy and light is a form of radiation.

Keeping exposure to a minimum is key when you’re pregnant because you’re already being exposed to the radiation that’s emitted through the ultrasounds continuously being done which is a very high form of radiation. For the record, ultrasound and IPL both use non-ionizing radiation, however, IPL is comparatively very superficial.

In conclusion, while there are some individuals that should stay away from IPL treatments, IPL treatments do not damage the skin with proper settings.

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

IPL Hair Removal Long Term Side Effects

ipl hair removal long term side effects

Does IPL laser hair removal have long term side effects?

The long term side effects of IPL Hair Removal may include lightening of the hair tone in the area being treated. In addition, you may also see thinning of the hair growth in that area if and when it starts to come back. Overall, there aren’t really any negative side effects if the treatment course goes well.

However, if there was damage or trauma to the skin during the treatments, then scarring could be a long term side effect.

What is the down side to IPL treatments?

Treatments can be costly when compared to other methods of hair removal, such as waxing. While these treatments may be a higher price point than other methods, they yield permanent results. So, in the long run, if waxing is regularly being used as method of hair removal it eventually balances out.

Another downside could be the time allotted to the treatment for larger areas, for example legs, chest, or back. It can be a lengthy session depending on the individual and how much surface area is being covered.

Finally, having to avoid the sun could be a downside for some people. You cannot have a previous tan or sun exposure during any of your sessions. It is recommended to wait a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the treatment. Plus, afterwards you are to avoid sun exposure as well. So that’s another couple of weeks that your skin needs to stay away from direct and extended sun exposure.

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Facial Massage Benefits

How often does one have to massage their face to see results?

Giving yourself regular face massages at home has many benefits and anti aging effects. Giving your skin at least 60 seconds of stretch time and drainage really helps to release toxins in the skin that cause damage if not released.

Of course, we do not recommend that you go as deep as we do during a facial. If you were to compare what we do in a facial to the massage world, it would be considered a deep tissue massage. Facials are like a deep tissue massage for your face because the muscles are so superficial and fine. The massage we do during a facial gives the muscles the equivalent of a workout.

If you want to benefit from massage overall, doing a light massage daily at home to support what we do in the service also helps.

Does face tapping increase collagen?

This one is subject to opinion, but it is good in a way that it invigorates and stimulates the skin to do what it needs to do which is to get the circulation flowing.

Can facial massage reduce bags under the eyes?

Facial massaging can reduce bags under the eyes to a certain extent. If bags are caused by poor circulation to the skin it will help becasue you are draining certain fluids and toxins that are trapped in the skin.

However, if it is due to structural damage due to aging it won’t help. Also, if there is an underlying condition it is unlikely to help much. If you see puffiness or it looks like edema (fluid retention) at that point it would most likely be an underlying condition and its best to consult with a physician.

Enjoy the many facial massage benefits and book your RELAX facial!
Online Scheduling

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Does IPL hair removal have any risks?

ipl hair removal risks

Are there any risks of IPL hair removal?

While the benefits of IPL hair removal are obvious, what are the risks? The 3 most common risks are burning the skin, the scarring that can result from burning, and pain felt during treatment.


Incorrect Settings

The biggest risk is of burning the skin. In order to reduce the risk if burning, we measure your skin tone and your hair tone individually. That allows for a customized service so the energy going into the skin is able to differentiate well between the skin tone and the hair that its targeting. And thats how we reduce the risk of burning, because burns are usually a cause of the energy settings being incorrect.


ipl hair removal risks

There is also the potential of burning due to certain medications. We reduce this risk with an initial prescreening when you book online or over the phone. We follow that with a thorough consultation in person at your appointment. In that consultation we find out if there are medications taken orally or topically. We also look for certain products that may be used topically that were purchased over the counter or prescribed through a dermatologist or physician.


There are certain supplements that can make you photosensitive resulting in burns. Be extra vigilant as the label may not be very large on the bottle. We learn about any supplement intake through our consultation process. If we flag any supplements, for example, Vitamin B6, that will increase the risk of burns, we postpone treatment for two weeks.


The risk of scarring is diminished when we reduce the risk of burns.


As far as the risk of pain, the hand piece of our equipment has a built in cooling tip to keep your skin nice and cold at a -8° celsius so that any pain sensation you may feel is minimized.

Also, we are equipped to treat a large spectrum of skin types. We also know tips and tricks to greatly minimize pain in darker skin tones.

Book your IPL Hair Removal treatment!
Online Scheduling

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Does facial massage really work for anti-aging?

Do facial massages really work

Do facial massages really work?

Yes, facial massages really work depending on the results or effects you are looking to achieve with a facial massage. The RELAX facial works to help improve circulation which then helps with anti-aging, fluid draining, releasing toxins, and detoxifying the skin.

For dull, sallow complexion.

Facial massaging improves circulation which helps bring some flush back up to the surface of dull, sallow complexion. In addition, it helps with the absorption of products that are being used during a facial. This happens because we’re increasing circulation through muscle manipulation. The way your stomach is stimulated to start digestion when you take a bite of food, your skin’s excretion and absorption abilities get activated through massage.

The massage component during a RELAX facial increases circulation which gets things going and flowing.

Plus, lymphatic drainage!

The RELAX facial helps with lymphatic drainage which can reduce puffiness, as well as inflammation in the skin.

It also helps warm and relax the muscles which will give you anti-aging benefits because when the muscles are tense we create those harder frowns and creases in the skin, so it will not completely remove the wrinkles but it will help to relax the face.

Having the acids in the muscles released through massage really helps with mobilty and flexibilty. Good flexibility in the face can help reduce headaches and tension. In addition, while it will not repair or treat, it can alleviate symptoms of TMJ.

In conclusion, facial massages really work on many levels.

Book your RELAX facial in Edmonton! Schedule Appointment

Love, Peace, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Nail Care- Hands

nail care edmonton

Located on Whyte avenue in Edmonton, Dérmica offers a nail care menu to improve nail health.

Manicures are often reduced to the polish application, but they address a multitude of nail concerns. Common concerns include cracked, dry cuticles, brittle nails, and nail ridges.

Our Classic Manicure is a great treatment for many common nail concerns. We buff out the top of the surface of the nail making it as smooth as possible. In addition to the massage and paraffin application, we use vitamin e lotion and cuticle oil nourishes the hands and nails with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

We offer extras such as gel polish application (a form of shellac polish) and removal. We also offer shellac and gel polish removal as a stand-alone service.

Manicure Contraindications

Though rare, some medical conditions exist that may present individual harm from a manicure, or a risk of infecting others.

Some conditions are contagious and require treatment before your Service Provider can proceed. Correspondingly, other conditions may require modification of service.

Please review the list of contraindications before booking your manicure online.


manicure whyte ave


Price: $55

Timing: 60 min

This manicure service is ideal for hands in need of professional nail and cuticle grooming, detailing, and a paint service with attention to detail. 

Gel polish add-on

Price: $5 application fee; $10 removal fee; $15 removal fee as a stand-alone service.

Timing: + 15 min.

mini manicure whyte ave


Price: $40

Timing: 30min

The Mini MANÍ includes nail shaping, buff, and polish application. Undeniably a treat for little hands! 

Gel polish add-on

Price: $5 application fee; $10 removal fee.

Timing: + 15 min.

Book your nail care in Edmonton!
Online Scheduling

Love, Peace, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Get in Touch

Sun 10am - 5pm | Mon 10am - 5pm | Tue 10am - 6pm | Wed 10am - 6pm | Thur 10am - 8pm | Fri 10am - 5pm | Sat 10am - 5pm
10518 82 Avenue NW, Edmonton / Get directions
(780) 885-7108