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Dérmica MedEsthetics

Jhoenna has taken her 15 years of experience in the beauty industry and known expertise to develop the Dérmica line of results-driven esthetic treatments that are sure to surpass your expectations!

Causes of Acne

causes of acne- dermica medesthetics- yeg

What are the causes of acne?

Acne can be caused by many different factors and can be treated using different methods.


One of the causes of acne is genetics. Some skin types are more prone to developing acne such as oilier skin types this is due to the fact that they have overactive sebaceous glands which can clog the pores trapping bacteria, germs, and other environmental pollutants thereby creating a backlog.

It can be harder to cleanse oily skin because most products are not fat soluble. In other words, they cannot break down that oily barrier at the surface. As a result, the skin is left congested.


Another factor that causes acne is hormonal disruptions or fluctuations. This can start as soon as puberty. The skin starts to produce more oils as it goes through changes. Some women will develop acne during pregnancy due to the hormonal changes. This typically resolves after delivery but can carry on during breastfeeding. Additionally, some women may develop acne after having the baby due to hormonal fluctuations.


Another cause of acne can be improper hygiene and skincare. This can range from not cleansing the skin enough which can leave bacteria and other environmental pollutants on the skin. These can then enter the pores or breaks in the skin potentially causing infections.

Skincare products

Acne can also be due to using improper skincare products. If the skin is not cleansed properly with a fat-soluble cleanser, then you are leaving a film on the skin that creates a backlog with every wash. If the improper cleanser is used it can also disrupt the skin’s health by causing it become too oily and congested. Examples include oil-based moisturizers, rich creams, or body lotion when used on the face.

Overusing certain products that dry the skin can cause skin types that may not be acne-prone to develop minor acne due to over drying of the skin. When this happens, the skin ends up overcompensating by producing more oil. As a result the skins’s balance is thrown off.


Another factor could be diet. It is said that some acne may be caused by certain dietary intolerances or allergies, such as high fructose, meat products, or other food products that disrupt the hormonal balance in the body. This is a matter that should be discussed with your doctor.

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

What are the benefits of skin peel treatments?

skin peel benefits
This chemical peel is Ideal for treatment of fine lines, hyper pigmentation, sun damage and oily skin.

As we age, we start to see a slowing-down of our skin’s regenerating process as early as our late twenties. Our fine lines penetrate deeper and deeper with every smile and every frown. Before we know it, we start to see crow’s feet forming, marionette lines getting deeper, etc. Aging is a natural part of life.

One of our anti aging treatments include a variety of skin peels. Chemical peels work by separating the upper layers of the skin causing an accelerated cell turnover rate. Because of their molecular structure, these acids are able to penetrate past the acid mantle of the skin and deep into the layers beneath the surface of the skin. This causes your skin to shed and regenerate.

Skin Peel Benefits

Typical benefits with most skin peel treatments include:

  • Increased vibrancy
  • Improved hydration
  • Intensified product penetration and absorption
  • Clearance in skin tone
  • Smooth and improved texture

What can I expect during my treatment?

Your skincare specialist begins by thoroughly cleansing your skin thereby removing any surface debris and oils.

Thereafter, an acid solution is applied using cotton swabs or a gentle brush. This is typically left on for 1-5 minutes (according to the manufacturer’s instructions).

Finally, the solution is then neutralized with cool water or a neutralizing solution such as sodium bicarbonate. Some peels, such as our salicylic peel, are left on the skin to self-neutralize and later convert into nutrients. Soothing moisture care is then applied along with appropriate SPF.

How can I prepare for my peel?

If you are using any BHA (BetaHydroxy Acid) or AHA (AlphaHydroxy Acid) or Retin A products, you must discontinue usage approximately 1 week prior to treatment.

Unfortunately, if you are currently using or have used in the past 12 months a prescription acne-clearing medication, your skin is NOT eligible for acid peels.

Without a doubt, skin peels will provide many benefits to your skin if you are eligible for treatment.

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Can diabetics get pedicures?

diabetes and foot care

Can you have a pedicure if you are diabetic?

Yes, you can have a pedicure if you are diabetic. Actually, it is recommended that you maintain a regular foot care schedule.

Clients have different options when it comes to levels of pedicure treatment. Some clients may only have a need for express nail and pedicure establishments. However, certain clients may require a clinical and advanced setting for their foot care needs. At Dérmica, our menu includes advanced pedicures. Lastly, there are clients that require a medical setting where doctors and medical staff offer medical procedures.

Differences in pedicure procedure when diabetes is present

If you are diabetic, there are precautions that need to be taken when doing foot care. If you are not being asked in an intake form whether you have diabetes or not, as a client, you want to ensure that you take it upon yourself to disclose it to your service provider.

Your technician should be taking the following precautions. When doing a pedicure on a diabetic client, one should be extra careful with the use of sharp instruments and tools that can puncture the skin. This is due to the fact that most diabetics are compromised when it comes to nerve sensitivity in their extremities. Plus, loss of sensation can make it more likely for people to develop infections that go unnoticed and untreated. Therefore, extra caution with one’s tools is a must.

Diabetics can also display other conditions related to their diagnosis, such as thickening of the nail, excessive dryness and callous-building, and poor blood circulation. These things should all be treated in accordance to specific methods used for people with diabetes.

Foot care and diabetes- home care recommendations

If you have diabetes, keeping proper foot care at home in between professional pedicures will widen the gap between visits to the spa.

Home care includes ensuring that your feet are properly dried after your shower, especially between the toes. Keep your nails trimmed with no sharp edges to avoid cuts. Also, keep your feet moisturized with lotions, salves or balms to keep callouses away. Use a loofa or an exfoliating mitt to keep the feet free of excess callous.

Finally, always do regular checks to identify any cuts, abrasions, scratches, or possible signs of infection.

Book your advanced pedicure in Edmonton!
Online Scheduling

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Traveling soon? How temperature changes affect the skin.

temperature fluctuation and your skin

Returning to cold from heat

Fluctuations in temperature can change the skin. For example, when vacationing in a humid climate, your skin will plump up and look juicy, hydrated, and happy. Returning to the cold Canadian winter is not always a good thing, especially for oily skin types.

If you are an oilier skin type you may find you return with a few more breakouts. This is especially true if you continue to use your winter care in the humid climate.

Fluctuations in temperature can change the skin colour. Normal combination skin types going from humid to arid air will experience a shock. This shock will cause the skin to build the dead layer faster leading to a dry, dull complexion.

You may find that your tan goes from a hydrated look to a dull, greyish tinge. This is because the cold air is drying the top layers of the skin. Some people may start to see flaking as well.

If you do find yourself in need of professional care, we recommend getting a peel.

Skin Peels

If you have never had a peel before, you can introduce them as a ‘Boost’ to your facial or dermaplane treatment. Peel boosts are classified as mild skin acids. On the other hand, ‘deep peels’ are classified as medium to strong skin acids ranging from 20% to 85%. They are ideal for pre-treated skin and provide deeper resurfacing of the skin. While boosts are mild and require minimal downtime, deep peels require up to 10 days as they may cause visible shedding and flaking.

Retaining your Tan

Moisturizing will hep to retain the tan and keep a healthier glowing tone. NOTE: skin peels will lift the tan. If you are looking to preserve your tan you may want to consider a different treatment.

Looking Fresh Before and After Your Flight

It’s that time of the year again! People are flying all over the globe for the holidays. In all of our excitement, we often forget about flight skin care and the effects flying can have on our skin.

What is happening?

Our skin is more prone to infections and buildup when flying due to the recirculated stale air in the cabin. When you share air in a confined space with that many people you are exposed to many contaminants. In addition, the air is dry and arid so your skin can become dehydrated. This results in dull skin complexion and dead skin/oil build up.

Aside from the air, you are exposed to bacteria in the airports and your flights. Many of us don’t realize how often we touch our face. Bacteria transfer is just one touch away.

What is the solution?

chemical peel edmonton

Your main skin care focus after a flight should be to refresh and rehydrate your skin. You can do that with exfoliation. Acids are a great way to rebalance the skin’s ph. Also, hyaluronic acid for after care will help rehydrate your skin.

Chemical peels are nice after a flight because they are able to break through the layer that has built up. It is the best way to break through because most exfoliants are unable to dissolve the “glue and gunk” that holds the dead skin at the surface.

Facials -pre or post flight?

Definitely pre-flight! We recommend facials as a great way to prepare for a vacation. Especially the Beauty facial– your brows and skin are ready to go and receive a healthy dose of sun.

Post-flight you may want to focus on damage control, such as peels and photofacials.

You can get peels sooner than photofacials. More specifically, you can come in as early as one week after your return flight or last sun exposure. On the other hand, you have to wait until your tan subsides to get a photofacial. This can take anywhere from 2 weeks to longer.

Book your skin treatment. Schedule Appointment

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

TIPS to smooth FLAKING skin on the face.

product recommendations for flaking skin in the winter

Flaking skin in the winter

Customizing your winter skin care routine will help you combat the drying and flaking effects of the season. The following tips should help you address flaking skin on the face this winter.

Use Hyaluronic Acid for added moisture. This excellent hydrating ingredient can attract and hold 1000 times its weight in water, making it a must have for dry skin. Try Glo’s HA-Revive Hyaluronic Hydrator with a powerful antioxidant combination of phyto-retinol and hyaluronic acid.

Also, exfoliate every 2-3 days. This ensures that your skin is always fresh and reaping the benefits of your skin care product ingredients. For those who enjoy a regular scrub try Glo’s Hydra Bright Polishing Cleanser with Salicylic Acid (BHA), amino acids, and gentle Jojoba beads.

Use skin scrubs that are made specifically for the face. It may be easy to reach for the body scrub in the shower, but the granules are not shaped or sized for use on sensitive skin such as the face. Facial scrubs contain micro beads that are smooth and will not cause tears in the skin.

Another option is enzyme exfoliation. Enzyme exfoliation eliminates scrubbing altogether and acts on a chemical level “eating away” at the dead skin.

Another tip is using Lactic Acid for AHA benefits. This hydrating milk acid is excellent for gently dissolving surface cells, boosting hydration, and balancing pH, and brighten dull complexion. Try Glo’s Hydra-Bright AHA Hydrator with benefits of vitamin C and lactic acid.

We hope these tips help you to keep your skin happy and healthy throughout!

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Get in Touch

Sun 10am - 5pm | Mon 10am - 5pm | Tue 10am - 6pm | Wed 10am - 6pm | Thur 10am - 8pm | Fri 10am - 5pm | Sat 10am - 5pm
10518 82 Avenue NW, Edmonton / Get directions
(780) 885-7108