Pore Extraction Facials

Pore Extractions
Q: My skin is normally clear, but lately I have been experiencing small bumps throughout my cheek and chin area. What can I do to get rid of this issue?
A: You start by having a pore extraction facial to pull the “bumps” (comedones and blackheads) out of your skin. This process involves thorough cleansing and light resurfacing, before an ozone steaming session. The steam opens the pores and softens the surface of the skin making extractions a breeze. Blackheads and oil-build up are pulled out of the skin leaving your pores clear of visible debris. Closed comedones (whiteheads) are pierced with a small lancet allowing for trapped debris to be safely removed.After having your skin purged of impurities, it is important to stick to a regular cleansing and nourishing routine. Start by cleansing with a cleanser containing the appropriate blend of ingredients suitable for your skin type. Double cleansing is recommended every evening so your skin can breath and absorb nutrients overnight. Moisturizer should be applied while the skin is still humid in order to seal in added hydration. Regardless of your skin type moisturizer is very important in maintaining a healthy balance in your skin.
You may have blemishes pop up over the following week, this is normal as all the impurities are making their way up to the surface. If you are confident with your extractions, you can gently extract these blemishes after cleansing and a steamy shower. Although, if you can’t get it in the first 2 attempts then let it be as this may cause bruising or damage to the skin.
Once your skin has made a full recovery after 4-6 days, your skin should look and feel smoother with minimized pore size. You can schedule your facial sessions 4-6 weeks apart and once you’ve cleared the excess, seasonal facial and home maintenance should be suffice.
Hope this helps :)
Dérmica MedEsthetics
Tags: dermica, edmonton, facials, medesthetics, pore extraction, skincare, whyte ave, yeg
Dérmica MedEsthetics
Jhoenna has taken her 15 years of experience in the beauty industry and known expertise to develop the Dérmica line of results-driven esthetic treatments that are sure to surpass your expectations!