Do IPL treatments damage the skin?

Is IPL damaging my skin?
IPL treatments do not damage the skin if your technician sets the proper settings. The treatment delivers a pulse to the bulb of the hair. If the settings are inputted properly then it avoids being absorbed into the skin.
Aside from temporary heat in the area treated, there should not be adverse reactions on the skin. Heat in the skin typically lasts anywhere from one to 24 hours.
Who should not get IPL hair removal?
Not everyone is eligible for IPL treatments. While the light energy of IPL itself will not damage the skin, certain factors could result in damage.
Certain medications
Anyone that has skin conditions in the areas being treated that are contrandicated should avoid IPL. Certain medications, topical or oral, can make the skin sensitive or photosensitive.
Very light hair
People with light hair tones, for example blonde, white, or silver hair should have realistic expectations of IPL hair removal treatments. Sometimes these hair colours don’t have enough melanin for the machine to be able to register and destroy the targeted hair bulb.
If the person’s hair is too light there may not be enough contrast between the hair and skin tone. The machine favours skin types that show a better contrast of dark hair on a lighter skin background. Having this contrast tends to allow for maximum absorption of light energy directly into the bulb.
That is not to say that other skin types are not successful, we would simply change the setting for this. However, there is a point where if the skin and hair tone are too close together. The machine may confuse the melanin content in the skin for the target and could cause burning or not actually treat the hair becasue the settings are maintained too low to make a difference in an effort to avod hitting the skin tone.
People with tattoos in the area being treated should avoid IPL. Your technician has to stay a safe distance from existing tattoos in order to avoid heating and potentially damaging the pigment that is implanted with the tattoo.
In addition, pregnant women should refrain from IPL treatments. This is not to say that it will necessarily cause any damage to the fetus, but it’s best to avoid any form of radiation treatment during pregnancy and light is a form of radiation.
Keeping exposure to a minimum is key when you’re pregnant because you’re already being exposed to the radiation that’s emitted through the ultrasounds continuously being done which is a very high form of radiation. For the record, ultrasound and IPL both use non-ionizing radiation, however, IPL is comparatively very superficial.
In conclusion, while there are some individuals that should stay away from IPL treatments, IPL treatments do not damage the skin with proper settings.
Peace, Love, and Great Skin!
Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108
Tags: damage, do ipl treatments damage the skin, ipl treatment, skin