Should I Peel or Flake After an Acne Treatment?

” I had my first acne treatment peel a week ago. I have not seen any peeling or flaking…”
Do not fret as you are still in the early stages of the treatment. Patience is key with chemical peels!
The visible reaction caused by chemical peels during and post-treatment varies per individual. There are a few key points we will cover as we help you understand your skins’ response and expectations for your recent acne treatment peel.
1 | The waiting period
At this point, it is too soon to rate the success of your treatment. Your skin is still undergoing the process of lifting the layer of skin that was separated during the application of the peel. Once the skin has fully separated from the underlying skin cells, it will begin to shed. This can take up to 2 weeks.
2 | Not all skins shed alike
When we google or hear the term ‘chemical peel’, we assume our skin will be immediately shedding in sheets or visible patches of skin.
The visible reaction through the healing process depends on the skin type and condition being treated. Oily and acne-prone skin is coarser and has a thicker oil barrier holding the skin cells together. Shedding occurs most during and after cleansing and even so does not flake like a dry skin type. Trust in the process and use exfoliant 2-3 times a week for an added boost.
3 | Number of peels
Peels are most effective when delivered in a controlled manner in order to avoid injury and produce lasting results.
To begin, the skin is treated using lighter peels in order to increase the skin’s tolerance. With each treatment, the intensity of the peels is increased until optimal results are achieved. This measured approach allows for the application of stronger acids with less risk of causing adverse reactions or irreversible damage to the skin. Keep in mind that the stronger the peel, the more visible reaction during and post-treatment.
Although the name and online visuals of the treatment can lead one to believe that all peels should cause major flaking and sloughing, this is not always the case. Be patient with your progress and trust that your skin is operating in its’ own unique way and the skin is rejuvenating on a microscopic level regardless of what you see with the naked eye.
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Love, Peace, and Great Skin!
Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108
Tags: acid peels, acne, acne treatment, best acne treatment edmonton, chemical peels, flaking, shedding, skin, skin rejuvenation