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Dérmica MedEsthetics

Jhoenna has taken her 15 years of experience in the beauty industry and known expertise to develop the Dérmica line of results-driven esthetic treatments that are sure to surpass your expectations!

Microblading Edmonton- Booking Procedure


Dérmica 3D SCULPT- Top of the line Microblading

Achieve the brows you have always dreamed of with dérmica’s brow microblading treatment. Your brows are skillfully etched into shape by combining dérmica’s signature brow design with top-of-the-line brow microblading products and techniques. Your eyebrows are designed by our experts using your natural facial structure, measurements, and any desired personal touches. Each individual hair stroke is carefully placed on the skin, building a beautiful and natural brow that lasts up to 3 years.


MICROBLADING Level I : Increase the definition of your brow line, add density to thinning areas, fill small gaps and scars, or balance the overall brow shape. Includes 30% brow coverage and 1 Refresher which can be booked within 12 months following initial procedure. $350 MICROBLADING Level II : Remodel your brow shape, balance highly uneven brows, fill-in gaps, scars, increase density and thickness in sparse brows. Includes 60% brow coverage and 1 Refresher which can be booked within 12 months following initial procedure. $450 MICROBLADING Level III : Restore your brows from tip-tip and top-bottom with a complete coverage of severely thinned brows or missing brows. Includes up to 100% brow coverage and 1 Refresher which can be booked within 12 months following initial procedure. $550 MICROBLADING Refresher : (under 12 months since last session) Hair strokes are refined and color is intensified or refreshed. $150


Consult: 30 minutes. During your consult, your desired brow shape and colour, and overall appearance is discussed. After your consult you will receive your PreTx Guide and products to prepare your skin for the procedure. Procedure: 2hrs. During your microblading session your brow area is numbed to ease discomfort during the procedure. The procedure time can range from 1-2 hours depending on the amount of restoration required. You will receive a detailed PostTx Guide and products to care for your brows during the recovery phase. Refresher: 1.5 hrs. Optimal results are achieved with this complimentary refresher session; it ensures that every stroke is vibrant and extends wear. Ensure you book your Refresher before your brows reach a 40% fade. A minimum of 40% of the initial shape must be present for your Refresher. This time varies per person. Overextending the re-booking period may cause you to lose the outlining shape from your initial session for the technician to follow. If this is the case a complete 3D Sculpt session may be necessary. This refresher can be booked within 6 weeks to 12 months following initial procedure.
Do you meet the criteria for this procedure? Find out by clicking HERE.

Book your microblading treatment with Dérmica! Online Scheduling

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Shop professional skincare products recommended by Dérmica! Try our Home Care Selection Guide to choose the right products to target your skin type and concerns! Love, Peace, and Great Skin! Dérmica MedEsthetics (780) 885 7108

Preparing for your Microblading procedure

dermica microblading

Microblading Treatment

Achieve the brows you have always dreamed of with the dérmica’s Microblading brow feathering treatment. Your brows are skillfully etched into shape by combining dérmica’s signature brow design with top-of-the-line brow feathering products and techniques. Your eyebrows are designed by our experts using your natural facial structure, measurements, and any desired personal touches. Each individual hair stroke is carefully placed on the skin, building a beautiful and natural brow that lasts up to 3 years.


  • Diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Blood Clotting Abnormalities
  • Keloid Scarring
  • Herpes
  • Skin disease or disorder
  • Psoriasis/Eczema
  • Acne
  • Sunburn
  • Sensitivity or allergy to anaesthetic
  • Pregnant/Nursing
Contraindications- MEDICATIONS:
  • Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) medications. Example: Asprin™
  • Anticoagulants (blood thinners)
  • Niacin
  • Retinol (2% or higher) – Avoid usage for 3 days prior to appointment. If prescribed, consult with physician
  • Acne medication (topical/oral) – Consult with physician
Contraindications- RECENT PROCEDURES:
  • BOTOX and dermal fillers (brow/forehead/eye area) – must wait 2 weeks following injection date.
  • Skin peels – Skin must be completely recovered prior to procedure date (approx. 2 weeks) following skin treatment date.
  • IPL or LASER treatments – Skin must be completely recovered (approx. 2 weeks) following skin treatment date.
  • Tanning – Allow skin 3 days to recover following your tanning session.
  • Waxing – Allow skin 3 days to recover following your waxing session.
Potential side effects:
  • Discomfort
  • Fragile skin
  • Edema (swelling)
  • Erythema (redness)
Downtime required: 2-8 days Time frame: Scroll down to see Booking Procedure


Microblading- Level I : Increase the definition of your brow line, add density to thinning areas, fill small gaps and scars, or balance the overall brow shape. Includes 30% brow coverage and 1 Refresher which can be booked within 12 months following initial procedure. $350 Microblading – Level II : Remodel your brow shape, balance highly uneven brows, fill-in gaps, scars, increase density and thickness in sparse brows. Includes 60% brow coverage and 1 Refresher which can be booked within 12 months following initial procedure. $450 Microblading – Level III : Restore your brows from tip-tip and top-bottom with a complete coverage of severely thinned brows or missing brows. Includes up to 100% brow coverage and 1 Refresher which can be booked within 12 months following initial procedure. $550 Microblading Refresher : (under 12 months since last session) Hair strokes are refined and color is intensified or refreshed. No reshaping. $150


Consultation: 30 minutes. During your consult, your desired brow shape and color, and overall appearance is discussed. After your consult you will receive your PreTx Guide to prepare you for the procedure. Please attach a note on you online booking if you would like your procedure done on the same day of your consultation. Deposit may be required. Procedure: 2hrs. During your Microblading session your brow area is numbed to ease discomfort during the procedure. The procedure time can range from 1-2 hours depending on the amount of restoration required. You will receive a detailed PostTx Guide and products to care for your brows during the recovery phase. Refresher: 1.5 hrs. Optimal results are achieved with this complimentary refresher session; it ensures that every stroke is vibrant and extends wear. A minimum of 40% of the initial shape must be present for your Refresher. This time varies per person. The refresher can be booked anytime from 6 weeks to 12 months following the initial procedure.


Taking necessary precautions prior to treatment will ensure that your treatment can be performed safely and effectively.
1. Cleanse and moisturize morning and evening. Use a PRE CLEANSER such as our Glô Skin Beauty Gentle Cream Cleanser in the evenings over your brow area. 2. AVOID caffeinated beverages 2 hours prior to appointment as this can cause skin sensitivity. 3. DO NOT consume alcohol 12 hours prior to scheduled appointment as this can cause excessive bleeding and sensitivity during treatment. 4. Apply SPF over brow area before sun exposure. AVOID direct sunlight and extended sun exposure.
5. DO NOT take the following medications/ supplements during the 72 hours leading up to your procedure: **Consult and report with your physician prior to stopping medication**
  • Acetylsalicylic Acid (ASA) medications. Example: Asprin™.
  • Anticoagulants (blood thinners)
  • Niacin
6. Direct contact with water will need to be avoided for 72 hours following your procedure; therefore make sure to wash your hair prior to your appointment.


The following guide will help you care for your fresh brows and ensure you achieve best results. Your brows may feel sore and bruised immediately following your procedure; this usually dissipates within 12 hours. Follow the POST-TREATMENT GUIDE until your brows have completely flaked and healed. The healing process can take up to 10 days and varies with each individual.
1. Hot temperatures will irritate your brows during the first 12 hours, therefore remain indoors and fan if necessary. 2. DO NOT touch brow with unwashed hands, doing so can cause infection. 3. DO NOT soak brows. Showers and baths are safe; keep your brows away from direct water contact as this may cause color to fade. 4. Face washing and moisturizing instructions:
  • Gently cleanse lower half and forehead with your daily cleanser in the morning. When rinsing cleanser, use a warm face cloth avoiding drip from forehead onto brows.
  • Dampen a clean gauze or cotton pad with your cleanser and gently wipe brows in outward motion. Blot dry with dry gauze/pad.
  • Once your brows begin scab or flake, apply a small amount of moisturizer over the brows after washing in the morning and evening.
5. DO NOT use ANY makeup or SPF directly over the brow area until brows have completely healed. This may alter color tone or blur strokes. 6. AVOID direct sunlight, this can cause the pigment to fade and irritate the skin. 7. DO NOT pick or lift scabs or flakes from brows, this may pull the pigment prematurely causing fading or gaps in strokes. 8. Brow can be lightly tweezed around area treated but not directly over for 3 weeks. Waxing procedure can be performed 4 weeks following procedure.

Book your microblading with Dérmica! Online Scheduling

View Dérmica’s literature on microblading…

What exactly is involved in microblading? Should I be scared? How does microblading last so long? Microblading Preparation and Post Care Healing After your microblading procedure VIDEO: Dérmica Microblading Before & After Pics. VIDEO: Microblading Colour Pallette Love, Peace, and Great Skin! Dérmica MedEsthetics (780) 885 7108

The difference between LASER and IPL

Dérmica- the difference between laser and IPL

What is the difference between LASER and IPL?

A: IPL and Laser are light-based treatment methods used in the skincare and med esthetics industry to treat a variety of common skin conditions and permanent hair reduction.
The IPL and Laser equipment deliver their results by emitting a specific range of light energy towards a specific target in the skin. In a successful treatment the light energy is absorbed by water, blood, or pigment in the skin, which are eradicated without causing disruption the surrounding tissue.

IPL (Intense Pulsed Light)

IPL technologies project flashes of light energy onto the surface of the skin. The handheld device is placed directly on the skin and flashed at set intervals. The device emits a broad band of light energy into the skin, which is then quickly absorbed by the target. The diameter covered by the spot size varies and is ideal for larger areas.

IPL treatments are said to have less discomfort involved during the procedure, and require shorter recover periods and visible down-time. The peak temperature during these sessions is typically lower than that of Laser, making it ideal for treating heat sensitive skin conditions such as Melasma and Rosacea.

LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)

Lasers operate by emitting a single wave of steady or pulsed laser light into their target. Depending on the manufacturer of the Laser equipment, some lasers are not suitable for all skin tones or skin conditions; therefore the technician is required to use different attachments or machines for treatment.

The spot size used to treat with laser is more concentrated, therefore smaller, and procedure time can be longer. For treatment of skin conditions, Laser tends to have a longer period of recovery and visible down-time following sessions. Lasers are said to be ideal for treating leg veins and tattoo removal.

IPL and Laser are both safe and effective treatment methods for treating skin conditions and permanently reducing unwanted hair. It is important to remember that results vary with both methods, there are specific guidelines to follow pre/post treatment, and number of sessions can range from 4-12.

For clients who meet the skin and/or hair criteria for IPL or Laser, the success of treatment is also influenced by the quality of equipment being used, and the technician’s knowledge of operating light-based technology.

In summary, the major difference between the two IPL and Laser is the range of light energy emitted by the device. Regardless of whether you choose IPL or Laser, it is always best to do your research.

Love, Peace, and Great Skin!
Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Post Breakup Skin Recovery

dermica medesthetics

Stressful Breakups and Skin Health

As some of you may know, “Ask Dermica” is featured on our website,, as a way to answer any Skincare questions you may have.
Here is an interesting submission:

Q: I have had good skin for most of my years, but over the past few months it has been acting up and breaking out. I haven’t been using anything different on my skin or stopped using my regular products. I have though, been going through an ugly break-up. Could this be the reason for my sudden break-outs?

A: As if dealing with the emotional uppercut break-up thrusts your way isn’t enough, most of us will also experience changes in our physical appearance, including the decline of our skin health. The endless nights sobbing will leave your eyeballs and under eyes feeling like a bad rug burn, your complexion starts to resemble the pepperoni pizza you’ve been stuffing your face with, your nose as red as the sorrow drowning wine you’ve guzzled, and your skin feels as tender as the heart that’s been shattered. Now take a moment, dry those tears and listen up!

For those of you going through this emotional rollercoaster, we may not be able to mend a broken heart but we sure can help you mend a broken complexion…

Think of your skin as a reflection of the emotional storm brewing inside your body, it too is suffering with you and needs a little extra TLC. During times of distress we tend to stray away from our daily routine and our “me time” or self-care routine drops down the list of priorities.

Poor diet, skin hygiene, lack of sleep, constant crying, and nervous habits take control of your skin, so what can you do to help your skin through this time? Let’s begin by examining some of the most common skin issues during this period.


This can be one of the worst things that can happen to your skin during this period. Not only does it take a toll on your self-esteem, but it can leave you scarred for weeks. Diet can play a role in this department, so if you know there are certain foods or food groups that cause you to break out; this is the time to AVOID them.

If your skin has already taken a turn for the worst, you can help reduce and heal the damage by following a regular skin care routine.


Purifying-Gel-Cleanser Start off with a fresh cleanse using the Purifying Gel Cleanser in the morning, and finish your day with a double cleanse in the evening.

If you normally have a normal or combination skin, use Purifying Gel Cleanser for your evening wash only.
Daily-Polishing-Cleanser Spot treatment are also great for a quick fix, just be sure to stick only to the areas affected as these products have a higher concentration of active ingredients and can have an extremely drying effect on the skin.
Take a small amount of the Daily Polishing Cleanser and rub into a paste, leave on overnight. The Salicylic Acid will help banish blemish!
dermica medesthetics facials A relaxing facial will treat your skin and mind to a much needed “me time”. Your skin will feel refreshed and nurtured after having been purged of the impurities, build-up, and infused with nutrients.
Book your FIX Facial or LUX Facial.


The constant flow of tears, friction, and pressure on your eyes leaves your skin feeling tender and looking tired. This fragile skin is easily irritated and can become puffy or sunken, magnifying fine lines and wrinkles.

It is important to protect and nourish your eye area by using proper eye care products and application.


If you already using eye care, add an extra dab of Eye Restore (dry/mature), or Vital Eye Cream (combo/oily) after applying moisturizer for added barrier. When applying, ensure you are only applying on the ocular bone using your ring fingers in a dabbing motion. Use day and night before applying your moisturizer, and possibly once in between if your eyes are feeling really dry.

Keep products in a cool dark cupboard or fridge for added soothing effects.


For those of you that are prone to broken capillaries and Rosacea or Rosacea like symptoms, your skin may flare up during this stressful period.

Soothing skin masks such as Cucumber Recovery Mask , are an excellent way to keep your skin calm and prevent further damage. This step will add hydration, calm redness and inflammation.


dermica shop online skincare
After a night of water work, try giving your skin a nice thorough cleanse with Gentle Cream Cleanser based cleanser, then follow up with soothing mask, focusing on the cheek and nose area, as these tend to be the most sensitive. You can also try storing your products in the fridge for added calming and cooling effect.
dermica photofacials
If the symptoms persist even after you broken heart has mended a great option is the ALIVIA IPL Photofacial. Not only will it help reduce the vascular appearance present in the skin at the time of treatment, but it will also help reduce the severity of symptoms in the future. Book your ALIVIA IPL Photofacial .

Hope this helps, thanks for reading!

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Winter Skincare

winter_skin The holiday party season has arrived and your skin has taken a turn for the worst! Getting along with your skin during the winter months can be difficult, and with the festivities just around the corner you need a remedy ASAP! With a couple weeks to go before the big FIESTA we can help you recover the glow and maintain it throughout the New Year. :) Customizing your winter skin care routine will help you combat the drying effects of the season and keep your skin happy and healthy throughout. To be most effective with your treatment, you must first understand the signals your skin is displaying which will allow you to respond appropriately. So let us address some common winter skin care concerns.

My skin is oilier than usual and I’ve been breaking out…

Your skin is constantly fluctuating with changes in the temperature and moisture levels in the air. With the winter being a dry season both indoors and outdoors your skin is under an accelerated rate of trans epidermal water loss (TEWL), an evaporation and diffusion of skin hydration. Although water is what your skin requires, it compensates for the lost moisture by producing more oil. This causes a buildup of dead cells saturated in excess surface oils, clogged pores, and frequents breakouts. In order to restore your skins moisturizer balance and hydration, choose products containing hydrating (water) ingredients such as Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin E. Stay away from heavy creams and oil based products as these will only block and clog further. Photofacials , AHA/BHA peels , and traditional facials are a great way to give your skin a fresh start, balance pH levels, and deliver a much needed boost of nutrients for the season. They also help clear clogged pores, excess oil, remove painful blemishes before they spread, and diminish existing scars. Try our Treatment Selection Guide to learn more and find the right treatment program for you. TIPS for taming OILY Winter Skin…
  • Use light gel cleansers free of parabens and sulfate. A thorough cleanse in the morning and double cleanse at night gives your skin the fresh cleanse it desires without stripping away vital moisture. Try GLO Purifying Cleanser with Salicylic Acid(BHA) to help clear breakouts and balance pH.
  • Using a hydrating toner or mist. This gives your skin a boost of hydration which helps your skin absorb moisture from deeper into the skin. Try GLO Conditioning Tonic with Hyaluronic Acid, Rose Hip, and soothing Chamomile.
  • Moisturize regularly. Using a lightweight oil-free moisturizer morning and night while skin is still moist will provide the right amount of moisture without leaving your skin feeling heavy or greasy. Try GLO Oil-Free Moisturizer with Hyaluronic Acid.

My skin is flaking non-stop no matter how much moisturizer I apply….

When faced with cooler temperatures your skins natural response is to slow its metabolic rate, which includes the rate at which your skin regenerates, this is known as the cell turnover rate. The cell turnover rate of your skin determines how frequently dried cells at the surface shed and regenerate. When this process slows down, you get a buildup of dead cells resulting in flaking skin, fine lines, and dry patches. These layers of dead cells also block vital nutrients and moisture from absorbing into the fresh cells, which is why no amount of product seems to relieve the dryness. Introducing regular exfoliation to your skin care routine will help increase your cell turnover rate throughout the winter months and maintain it at an active level. Exfoliation is achieved using chemical or manual exfoliants, both offering resurfacing benefits, but differ in procedure and interaction with the skin. Manual exfoliants (skin scrubs) will give a great skin scrubbing massage while sloughing away dead skin cells. Manual exfoliants are not recommended for sensitive or acneic skin types. Enzymatic exfoliants containing fruit enzymes, AHA, or BHA, react with the skin on a chemical level by dissolving the binding matter between the skin cells causing them to gently lift and rinse away. The active ingredients and intensity vary depending on concentration level and quality of the acids and enzymes. Photofacials , AHA peels , and traditional facials are an excellent way to eliminate flaking skin and bring plump new cells to the surface. Amongst the many benefits these treatments offer, they also speed up the skins cell turnover rate, boost collagen production, resurface, brighten complexion, and restore vital moisture and hydration. Try our Treatment Selection Guide to learn more and find the right treatment program for you. TIPS for smoothing FLAKING winter skin…
  • Exfoliate every 2-3 days. This ensures that your skin is always fresh and reaping the benefits of your skin care product ingredients. For those who enjoy a regular scrub try Glo Daily Polishing Cleanser with Salicylic Acid (BHA), amino acids, and gentle Jojoba beads.
  • Use skin scrubs that are made specifically for the face. It may be easy to reach for the body scrub in the shower, but the granules are not shaped or sized for use on sensitive skin such as the face. Facial scrubs contain micro beads that are smooth and will not cause tears in the skin.
  • Lactic Acid for AHA benefits. This hydrating milk acid is excellent for gently dissolving surface cells, boosting hydration, and balancing pH, and brighten dull complexion. Try Glo Refresh Facial Polish with nourishing benefits of Borage Oil, Acai Oil, and gentle Jojoba beads.
  • Hyaluronic Acid for added moisture. This excellent hydrating ingredient can attract and hold 1000 times its weight in water, making it a must have for dry skin. Try Glo Conditioning Hydration Cream with a powerful antioxidant combination of Vitamin E and Alpha Lipoic Acid.
Keeping your skin happy during the winter months is really quite simple…watch for the hints and DO as it asks! After all, your skin is your first line of defence and will show you who is BOSS when not tended to. ;) Try our Home Care Selection Guide to select the correct skincare products for your skin type and concerns! Visit our Online Skincare Store and view our section of Skincare lines and products. Schedule your treatment online now! Online Scheduling Love, Peace, and Great Skin! Dérmica MedEsthetics (780) 885-7108

Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown Hairs

The most common question we hear from our male skin care clients are regarding the ingrown hairs in their lower face/neck region. What causes them? How can I get rid of them? In this post we’ll answer your questions, and bring you tips for treating, and preventing ingrown hairs.


Ingrown hairs are caused by trapped hairs in the hair follicle that have become weakened, diverted, or blocked during the hair growth cycle. The trapped hair continues to grow within the follicle causing painful pressure and inflammation of the follicles.
The inflamed follicles often become infected causing painful discomfort; they can also leave your skin scarred for months, and be harmful to your health.
As with any infection, if left untreated, it can spread to other areas of the system via the circulatory system. In severe cases a trip to the doctor for drainage, and a course of antibiotics, may be required.

Using a dull or low quality razor contributes to this condition by increasing the need to apply unnecessary pressure in order to achieve a clean shave. The excess pressure causes the blades to scrape along the skin and opening of the hair follicle, creating micro-tears.
Your skin reacts to this trauma by forming new cells at the site of injury which can cause hyperkeratosis, an overgrowth of skin surrounding the follicle, or blockage of the follicle opening.

Ingrown hairs will typically occur in areas of the body with a high concentration of dense coarse and/or curly hair, such as the beard, neck, back, or chest. Areas where the skin is under pressure or friction due to clothing or creases in the skin are also susceptible. When your hair attempts to break through the surface of the skin, it is pressure back into your skin, thus causing the ingrown hair to form.

Men with darker skin tones can develop a condition called psuedofolliculitis, another form of ingrown hairs. This is due to the texture of the hair being thicker, stronger, and tightly curled.


Tips for Preventing Ingrown Hairs

  • Replace your razor continuously. If it’s not doing the job in a couple swipes then it is time to say goodbye!
  • Gently exfoliate before shaving. Start with a good exfoliation using mild AHA/BHA or enzyme based cleanser. This will gently loosen dead surface cells without the vigorous scrubbing of skin scrubs, giving you a smooth skin to glide your razor. The Daily Polishing Cleanser by Glo offers you a micro exfoliation along with the benefits of BHA- Salicylic Acid.
  • Prep the hair for shaving. Press a damp-hot towel into your skin after exfoliating. This will help soften the hair and open the follicles making it easier to cut through the hair.
  • Use a good quality barrier to protect your skin during the shave. Choose a shaving agent that contains less fragrance and ingredients that benefit your skin during the shave. Highly fragranced products can irritate the skin and cause unnecessary sensitivity. Shaving oils are a great addition to your shave regime.
  • Seal the skin after shaving. Following a good shave your skin is left exposed and sensitized. Using a mask or protective aftershave will give your skin a protective barrier against the elements. Try the Cucumber Recovery Mask by Glo for a lightweight protection and refreshing hydration.

Tips for Treating Ingrown Hairs

  • Permanent removal. For permanent treatment of this condition laser/IPL hair removal will do the trick. This process permanently reduces the amount of hair that grows in the area treated and with the right process you can also reduce scarring and inflammation. It can be performed over the entire area, targeted areas, or along your beard line for a crisp outline. Book your hair removal service with our laser/IPL expert.
  • Chemical Peel. Chemicals peels are a great way to dissolve the follicle blocking layers from the skin and reveal fresh undamaged layers. They also help push the trapped hair in the follicle and debris to the surface. A Grape Enzyme Peel is the go-to when treating ingrown hair and psuedofolliculitis.
  • Extraction of the hair . Unless the tip of the hair is visible, extraction should be performed by skin care pro. This will ensure that the hair is safely and effectively removed, with less discomfort and risk of scarring. This treatment is normally performed during a facial treatment and is the focus of the dermica MAN facial treatment.
  • Topical Tretinoin (Retin A) and Retinol (Vit A) derivatives . This medicinal ingredient decreases the overgrowth of skin surrounding the follicle and diminishes scarring. The Tretinol .05% by Glo is excellent treating affected areas at home. It can be incorporated into any homecare routine and is has many other benefits to the skin.
Schedule your treatments with Dérmica Online Scheduling
Visit our Online Skin Care Store.

We hope these tips help you keep that jawline looking smooth and fresh for days!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Get in Touch

Sun 10am - 5pm | Mon 10am - 5pm | Tue 10am - 6pm | Wed 10am - 6pm | Thur 10am - 8pm | Fri 10am - 5pm | Sat 10am - 5pm
10518 82 Avenue NW, Edmonton / Get directions
(780) 885-7108