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Dérmica MedEsthetics

Jhoenna has taken her 15 years of experience in the beauty industry and known expertise to develop the Dérmica line of results-driven esthetic treatments that are sure to surpass your expectations!

Mens Hair Removal YEG

mens hair removal yeg
Located in YEG, Dérmica offers Mens waxing and IPL Hair Removal.

Ode to the dapper man

We would like to begin by expressing my gratitude to the fashion gurus and trendsetters for the reintroduction of the “Dapper Man”! He is fresh, stylish, well mannered, and oh-so distinguished… or so he appears to be, nonetheless, thank you!

Now, how does a young man achieve this level of style and class? Aside from sporting a fancy beard, well-tailored pair of slacks, and a clean tapered fade or man bun, he must be all around “well groomed”- meaning a trip to the spa for a professional men’s hair removal may be necessary. The best options for men in YEG for hair removal are waxing and IPL/Laser hair removal.

Short term hair removal

Traditionally, men’s waxing involves the use of warm wax, typically honey or pine resin-based and cloth strips. The esthetician first preps the area by disinfecting and applying a protective barrier to the skin. The warm wax is then applied using a wooden spatula and covered with a cloth strip; this is referred to as strip waxing or soft waxing. The strip is then quickly pulled off parallel to the skin and voila your skin is left smooth and hair free!

Prior to booking a wax service ensure your hair is at least ¼ inch long, and has not been sunburned, treated with AHA/BHA, or prescription acne medications. Avoid caffeine for a couple hours before your appointment to reduce sensitivity. Results are visible for about 2 weeks, with 4-6 weeks before you are ready for your next visit. After care for waxing includes: avoiding heat, sun exposure, strong/fragranced, lotions, and washes for 24 hours and frequent skin exfoliation.

Long term hair removal

For a permanent solution, opt for IPL/Laser hair removal treatments. These advanced treatments should only be performed by trained and certified technicians, so do your research before going for the bargain service. Shaving is the necessary for most IPL/Laser treatments, so it’s best to have it shaved down prior to appointment.

The tech will begin by disinfecting your skin. Next, she will provide you with your protective eyewear before she goes zapping away. For the following 24-48 hours you will be required to avoid direct heat, perspiration, sun exposure, strong/fragranced soaps, lotions and washes.

Like waxing, ensure skin has not been sunburned, treated with AHA/BHA, or medications/vitamins affecting the skin. Typically you will notice a stunt in the growth of hair, followed by what seems to be continued growth. Four to six weeks after, the hair will begin to fall out. At this point you are ready for your next session. Most men require 6-8 treatments to see maximum results, but of course some machines are built better than others, so results may vary.

These treatments are somewhat of an investment and cause injury to your skin if not delivered properly, so do your research and make sure operational requirements are met by both the business and technician.


For irritating razor burn and ingrown hairs I recommend picking up some “Bump Stopper”. This solution can be found in the ethnic hair care section at most drug store/supermarkets. You can also try Glo Skin Beauty’s Purifying Gel Cleanser, a great foaming wash with powerful acne-fighting ingredients that stimulate exfoliation and clears pores.

Stay Sharp Gentlemen!

Book your Mens Hair Removal in YEG!Schedule Appointment

Love, Peace, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Beauty Product Expiration Dates

beauty product expiration dates

Is my product still working?

For those of you wondering about beauty product expiration dates, we’ve put together some info and tips to follow.

Period After Opening

Beauty product expiration dates are the dates that the cosmetic product must be thrown away regardless of usage.

Now, most of you have probably noticed a little jar symbol usually found on the back of your product container. This is referred to as the “PAO (Period After Opening)”. This symbol represents the number of months (M) before your beauty products expire after opening. For example if the PAO reads 12M, your product is good for twelve months of usage after opening, pretty straight forward. If product is left unopened and does not have a beauty product expiry date, our rule of thumb is triple your PAO, not exceeding three years, for assurance that product to still function at its full capacity and not likely to cause harm.

What about organic products?

Organic or all natural products are a great option. In most cases they do not have any added preservatives, therefore, this may shorten the life of the products. With any of these products you must follow manufacturer recommendation, but in the event there are no printed dates, six months is the recommended product expiry date.

Using products past the expiration dates…

Although we have printed guidelines and recommendations to follow for product expiry dates, always make sure to use your judgment and test the scent, colour, and consistency of your product. If it doesn’t smell, look, or feel right chances are its overgrown with bacteria and/or has gone rancid.

Using expired products can harm your skin by causing irritation, dermatitis, or infections. Some products will naturally settle if left unused for some time and may just require a little stir or shake. If you have used this product in the past you’re aware of how it should perform and its characteristics, and when in doubt toss it out! Some companies will kindly return or exchange the product if found to be off, so don’t be afraid to ask!


  • Store your beauty products in a cool, dry place, and avoid direct sunlight.
  • Try storing eye creams and moisturizers in the butter compartment of your fridge. This will keep products cool, stable, and refreshing when applied!
  • Always make sure you’re closing the caps on your hair/body products kept in the shower. Exposure to water will dilute, spoil or alter products. Making them less effective.
  • When possible, choose products that come in pumps or tubes, they hold longer as they are not in contact with open air or skin.
  • If you’re using a potted product use a small spatula or cotton swab to remove products from the jar. The natural oils and bacteria found on our skin can alter or spoil products.

Hope this helps all you products enthusiasts and junkies!

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Love, Peace, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Home Recipe for Dry Cuticles and Hands

Dry Cuticles/Hands

Q: Dear Dermica,

What is a good remedy for dry cuticles/hands?

This is a very common issue in Alberta and amongst both men/women.

Let’s begin with the cause. Aside from possibly suffering from dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis, excessively dry cuticles and hands can be caused by frequent exposure to extreme fluctuating temperature in the winter months. We often go from the frigid outdoor temperature to warm blasts from our heating systems. Both of these extremes are hard on our cells and cause them to loose vital moisture and hydration. Cold temperature slows our cell metabolism, which in turn slows the skins natural absorption and oil production. In addition, we have the artificial dry heat exposure which then dries the skin further by drawing moisture out of our skin.

Now with that background knowledge here are my recommendations, follow through and your hands will feel and look amazing!

Cracked/Dry Cuticles – Always ensure that you have good quality cuticle oil on hand for application throughout the day. Apply a generous amount and massage into the cuticle and nails. Leave the excess oil to absorb, trust me it will. Also remember to include your nails in the application, as they can use a good dose of moisture to prevent brittle nails.

If you have inflamed cracks in the cuticles, this is most likely a sign of infection. Apply a small amount of Polysporin™ to the affected area and finish off with your cuticle oil for protection and moisture.

Dry Hands – First and foremost use a good quality hand moisturizer morning, day, and night, and re-apply after washing. Moisturizers specific for hands feature non-greasy formulations, which are great if you’re not used to wearing moisturizer. Some of us though don’t mind the gleam of moisturizer on our hands and the heavy moisture, butters and balms are great for this. Now when heading out apply a good coat of moisturizer before putting on your gloves, the warmth of your gloves will aid in product penetration and keep your hands safe from the elements.

dry cuticles
ACLARA tightens skin and reduces the appearance of brow spots for younger looking hands.

Since we are on the topic of hands, let’s talk about some Advanced options available for Hand Care. The Glorious Summer months bring hours of fun in the sun, and some unexpected effects due to both intentional and unintentional exposure to the harmful sun rays. This can leave your hands freckled with unsightly brown spots that only get worse with age. Dérmica has the solution, and with the winter darkness upon us now is the time to reverse these effects.

Our ACLARA treatment is suitable for hands as well, in fact some of the greatest results are seen on the hands. Not only will this treatment reduce the appearance of brown spots, but it will also rejuvenate and plump the skin.

Home Recipe Cuticle Balm

  • Melt 1 tbsp of Coconut Oil (great for moisture protection) in a small saucepan on very low heat
  • Once melted stir in 2 drops of Lavender Essential Oil (increases moisture and elasticity)
  • Remove from heat and pour into a small jar with tight lid (lip balm containers work great)
  • Place closed jar in the freezer and let cool for 10-15 minutes (until hardened)
  • Remove and lube away!

Love, Peace, and Great Skin!

Tips for addressing DRY SKIN

tips for dry skin

Are you a DRY skin type?

Does your skin feel tight, coarse, and easily irritated?

If a visual inspection reveals very small pores, this means your skin is not getting enough oil. This might be the biggest contributor to your dry skin. Very small pores cause the texture of the skin to appear very fine and fragile-looking, particularly in the expression areas.

Dry skin types are usually dull-looking. Foundation-based makeup is difficult to apply because it sits on top of the skin resulting in a “cakey” look.

Here are Dermica’s tips on making the right choices for your DRY skin:


Eating foods that are high in Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Zinc are a great way to help your skin internally and maintaining good skin health.


When selecting your cleanser, try a cleansing cream, lotion, or light gel. This will ensure that you are not stripping the skin of its vital oil supply. Use lukewarm water to rinse, as hot water can be very drying.


This process is very important for dry skin. It is prone to building up dead skin cells on the surface, causing it to look flaky and dull. The ideal exfoliant for you would be an enzymatic exfoliant, or chemical exfoliant, and be kept down to a maximum usage of 3 times per week (unless otherwise directed by the manufacturer).


Restoring the protective barrier and moisture to your skin is the last step in your routine. This is done by using an oil-based moisturizing cream. This type of moisture care will not only give back the nutrients lacking in your skin, but act as the protective barrier keeping moisture in, and external irritants out.

Eye care

Eye care is beneficial in preventing premature aging, and minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. Depending on your age you would either select a gel (18-35), or cream(35+).

skin care edmonton
Add an AHA boost to your facial
for an extra dose of hydration!

Spa Treatments

To maximize results choose a therapeutic skin care service performed by a qualified professional, who can help you understand and treat your skin. A relaxing facial will leave your skin feeling pampered, revived, and give your skin the extra boost it needs to begin a proper regimen.

Try a facial and get a head start!

If a visit to the spa is not possible, try a natural honey mask. This mask is a great way to exfoliate dry skin without irritation.

The enzymes in the honey will help dissolve dead skin away, increase hydration, and improve moisture absorption.

DIY Recipe- Natural Honey Mask

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Cucumber Tips and Tricks – A MUST READ!

spa on whyte ave

Cucumber Tips and Tricks: Shared by Dérmica Spa on Whyte

Cucumbers contain most of the vitamins you need every day. Just one cucumber contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Folic Acid, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc. Cucumbers are a good source of B Vitamins and carbohydrates that can provide energy that can last for hours. Slice some and put in your water bottle.

For a pick me up in the afternoon, put down the caffeinated soda and pick up a cucumber ;)

Cucumber Curiosities

  • If you rub a cucumber slice along your bathroom mirror, it will eliminate the fog and provide a soothing, spa-like fragrance.
  • Want to avoid a hangover or terrible headache? Eat a few cucumber slices before going to bed and wake up refreshed and headache free. Cucumbers contain enough sugar, B vitamins and electrolytes to replenish essential nutrients the body lost, keeping everything in equilibrium, avoiding both a hangover and headache!
  • Looking to fight off that afternoon or evening snacking binge? Cucumbers have been used for centuries by European trappers, traders and explorers for quick meals to thwart off starvation.
  • Have an important meeting or job interview and you realize that you don’t have enough time to polish your shoes? Rub a freshly cut cucumber over the shoe, its chemicals will provide a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.
  • Looking for a fast and easy way to remove cellulite before going out or to the pool? Try rubbing a slice or two of cucumbers along your problem area for a few minutes, the phytochemical in the cucumber cause the collagen in your skin to tighten, firming up the outer layer and reducing the visibility of cellulite. Works great on wrinkles too!!!

Cucumbers and Chemistry

  • Place a few slices of cucumber in a small pie tin and your garden will be free of pests all season long. The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drive garden pests crazy and make them flee the area.
  • Out of WD40 and need to fix a squeaky hinge? Take a cucumber slice and rub it along the problematic hinge, and voila, the squeak is gone!
  • Stressed out and don’t have time for massage? Cut up an entire cucumber and place it in a boiling pot of water, the chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber will react with the boiling water and released in the steam, creating a soothing, relaxing aroma that has been shown to reduce stress in new mothers and college students during final exams.
  • Just finish a business lunch and realize you don’t have gum or mints? Take a slice of cucumber and press it to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds to eliminate bad breath, the photochemical will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath.
  • Looking for a ‘green’ way to clean your faucets, sinks or stainless steel? Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on the surface you want to clean, not only will it remove years of tarnish and bring back the shine, but it won’t leave streaks and won’t harm you fingers or fingernails while you clean.
spa on whyte ave
Thank you Elena Diaz for sharing these facts!

Add cucumber to your skincare regimen!

Try Glo’s Soothing Gel Mask!

Shop online or in-store at our spa on Whyte Ave.

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Book your spa visit on Whyte Ave!Schedule Appointment

Love, Peace, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

How do you treat acne breakouts after a menstrual cycle?

breaking out during period

Q: Dear Dérmica,
I find myself breaking out during my period without fail every month! Do you offer treatments to treat acne that I get from my period? Can I prevent acne breakouts during my my time of the month?
– Aunt Flow’s # 1 Enemy

A: Dear #1 Enemy,
Yes, Aunt Flow leaves behind some parting gifts…But you are not alone in breaking out during your period.

Can i prevent acne breakouts during my period?

Body hormonal levels are different during the menstrual cycle, and hormones typically affect the skin, hair and nail growth.

Although you cannot prevent your body from producing hormonal acne, (especially during that time of the month) you can do things to minimize the effects that breaking out will have on your skin.

For example,

  • the scarring
  • how many blemishes will pop up
  • the length of time the blemishes will last

Minimize the effects by fighting back with the appropriate products. Anything that contains salicylic acid will help to reduce the inflammation that surrounds blemishes and will help to clear out those pores. In addition, avoid touching/picking at the area. During this time, avoid wearing high collars or anything that grazes the jawline.

It is normal for a couple of new blemishes to pop up in the lower region of the face around that time of the month. If you have excessive amounts it may be something that you want to take up with your physician. There could be a hormonal imbalance.

Do you offer treatments to treat acne that I get from my period?

Just when your face clears up again, here she comes to wreck the day! Luckily, we offer the Dérmica Pore Facial.

This facial was developed as a treatment for acneic, acne prone, and blemished skin.

Blackhead extractions can take 15-30 minutes depending on the skin condition. They can also leave the skin looking irritated for 1-2 hours. Once the pores are cleared, they can remain clear for up to 8 weeks.  

Book your PORE acne facial in Edmonton!
Online Scheduling

Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

Get in Touch

Sun 10am - 5pm | Mon 10am - 5pm | Tue 10am - 6pm | Wed 10am - 6pm | Thur 10am - 8pm | Fri 10am - 5pm | Sat 10am - 5pm
10518 82 Avenue NW, Edmonton / Get directions
(780) 885-7108