Special- LUX Facial boost!

The facial that packs a punch!
Throughout July, we are adding a comp Retinol and Vitamin C Peel Power boost ($55 value) to all LUX facials!
The LUX incorporates skincare, massage, and brows, all in one package.
Book your LUX this month to enjoy the relaxation of a facial with the power of a peel!
#peelpower #retinol #professionalpeel #skinrejuvenation #skinsmoothing#radiantskin #gloskinbeauty #facial #yeg #spa #whyteave #dermica#skinexperts #edmonton #vitaminc #antioxidants #skinprotector#complimentary #monthlyspecial #july2019
Tags: acne, clear skin, dry skin, facials, facials edmonton, fix, lux, oily skin, old strathcona, skin hydration, skincare, whyte ave