Is dermaplaning really just shaving?

dermaplaning vs shaving

Dermaplaning vs Shaving

While dermaplaning vs shaving are both forms of superficial hair removal, dermplaning has unique skincare benefits. Both shaving and dermaplane are forms of depilation. In other words, the bulb of the hair and anything underneath the skin is left intact.

Skincare benefits

Dermaplaning has additional benefits for the skin. It achieves superficial exfoliation using a blade to lightly graze the dead skin off in a controlled manner. On the other hand, if you are using a “bic” or a razor, you are going to get some grazing of the skin, but not in a controlled manner. If you are pushing hard enough to get that finish, you’ll end up causing some damage even if the blade is brand new.

Differences between shaving and dermaplane

When dermaplaning, we use single blades that come in different sizes and levels of sharpness. As a result, our tools allow us to achieve a controlled exfoliation of dead skin. Whereas with a bic the intention is that it will be strong and rigid enough to cut hair- not skin. Plus, it’s shaped in a way designed to cut hair- which is very different from skin.

Although hair and skin are made of the same thing, hair no longer has that live activity to it so it can’t be hurt by the pressure of a razor, whereas the skin will be punctured and become injured.

‘At home’ straight blades

Again, the sharpness and type of blade is different than what is used in a professional setting. You won’t be able to get as fine a finish without causing injury to the skin.

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Peace, Love, and Great Skin!

Dérmica MedEsthetics
(780) 885 7108

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Dérmica MedEsthetics

Jhoenna has taken her 15 years of experience in the beauty industry and known expertise to develop the Dérmica line of results-driven esthetic treatments that are sure to surpass your expectations!

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