Texture scars are also known as “pitted acne scars”.
What causes textural scarring?
Pitting is caused by enlarged pores that once held a large cystic acne lesion. Cystic acne is different than whiteheads. Whiteheads are blockages in the pores whereas cystic acne lesions are attached to the skin. They feed on the skin’s nutrients. As the lesion grows it creates a pocket deep in the skin. Eventually, through the skin’s natural process, the lesion comes to the surface. Once the lesion is at the surface it can be extracted, however the empty sac is left behind.
“January 2022”“June 2022”“January 2023”Cystic acne comes to the surface over time.
Extracting through facials
Successful and complete removal of the sac is important. Failure to remove all contents from the sac leaves the surrounding tissue exposed to infections. The service we recommend for extractions is our Pore facial.
Do pitted acne scars go away?
Yes, texture scars go away over time with your skin’s daily shedding process. However, you have to “do the time” as they say and may have to wait years before seeing smooth skin. This depends on the frequency and number of lesions, your age, and other factors.
“June 2023”“January 2024” “June 2024”As your skin sheds, new layers are revealed.
Chemical (a.k.a. acid) peels expedite the shedding process. They speed up the wait time between shedding thereby getting you to that smooth layer much sooner than the natural process.
On the other hand, photofacials accelerate the healing process by building extra collagen and plumping the skin. They add volume to damaged skin.
How long after my last breakout should I start treatment?
We recommend having your skin under control before starting treatment. A dermatologist can help to manage acne before starting repair treatments. We define “under control” as acne that has been decreasing over the course of 6 months, and in remission for another 3-6 months.
In the meantime, exfoliation helps to maximize skin shedding, however, selecting the right exfoliant is important. Mechanical exfoliants may be too abrasive for sensitive skin types or skin with large pores. For these skin types we recommend the Phyto Calm Enzyme Mask.
Free of fragrance and dyes, this formula has been clinically tested for skin not well suited for manual exfoliation.
Closed comodones are called whiteheads. They are a backlog of secretions trying to make their way out of our bodies. At this stage, they do not have dirt or pollution, only waste products from within. Once these comodones open, they become blackheads. They are the result of the stuff making its way out and coming in contact with external surroundings.
Pore Size and Blackhead Prevention
If your pores are bigger than normal your struggle with prevention may be more of a challenge. However, blackheads can be reduced with proper care.
Washing your face with a professional cleanser is important to keep the pores as clean as possible. Go for a foaming cleanser, or gel cleanser–these will help wash away debris trapped underneath the oil buildup.
Prevent increasing pore size by avoiding mechanical exfoliants and opt for a chemical alternative.
Understanding your skin type will help you select products that make and keep your skin balanced.
Is it safe to remove blackheads at home?
In some cases, blackhead removal at home is safe. However, we recommend seeking professional help to prevent scarring or spreading.
Can pore size be reduced?
We can treat enlarged pores caused by external factors, for example, heat exposure, misuse of products, excess of dead skin, lack of hydration, etc. Above all, our treatments are safely delivered by skin experts.
Whiteheads and milia are not the same thing. Think of a whitehead as as an “oil pocket” containing oil buildup and debris. Whiteheads occur because the oil pocket is causing a blockage as things are entering and leaving the skin. As that blockage moves closer to the surface of the skin, the whitehead opens. When opened it becomes a blackhead due to exposure to oxygen.
A whitehead is a closed comedone, that is to say, a blocked pore.
On the other hand, milia are nodules (abnormal growths) that have formed in a sack. Think of milia as little “placentas” attached to the skin. These “placentas” are feeding and pulling nutrients from the skin. Extraction of milia involves the physical removal of the sac fully intact, whereas whitehead extractions involve emptying the pore.
Because milia is caused by internal factors, their treatment requires medical care. At Dérmica, we can help alleviate symptoms of conditions that show on the skin.
Milia are micro-cysts filled with keratin.
Don’t try popping at home!
We know milia are tempting to extract, but we highly recommend against popping your own milia. Successful and complete removal of the sac is important. Failure to remove all contents from the sac leaves the surrounding tissue exposed to infections. The service we recommend for the removal of milia is our Pore facial.
Is my eye cream to blame for my milia?
The presence of milia is caused on an internal level. If milia would be caused by topical factors, it would create a blockage problem, like whiteheads do.
What is the difference between Electrolysis vs IPL Hair Removal? If you are in search for permanent hair removal services, you may have come across these two methods.
Differences in treatment areas.
Electrolysis can be used on any hair colour, type, and area, including close to the eyes. For example, back in the day, women used it as a method for permanently shaping brows. Today, electrolysis is used primarily for random white chin hairs, the upper lip, and other small areas.
IPL Hair Removal is a popular choice for larger areas such as legs, arms, back, chest, full face, or bikini. However, hair colour plays an important role when setting expectations for IPL treatment outcomes.
What about treatment costs?
Treatment costs differ between these two treatments. IPL treatments are charged per service. In contrast, electrolysis treatments are often charged as a sitting fee.
With electrolysis, once a hair bulb is treated, it’s gone! You only need one treatment per hair bulb. Electrolysis injects energy directly into the hair bulb via a needle or electrical charge. As a result, it can boast permanent removal. On the down side, electrolysis is a slow progression because you are working on small areas at a time. Therefore, it is not ideal for legs or other large areas.
LASER and IPL Hair Removal are ideal for intimate areas.
IPL Hair Removal requires multiple sessions to achieve similar results. This is due to the different hair growth stages at any given time. With IPL, the root bulb has to be big enough and have enough melanin to yield results. IPL or LASER hair removal can offer a permanent 98% reduction rate.
Which is best for you?
Now that you know a little more about electrolysis vs IPL hair removal, you can make an informed decision when selecting a treatment course. Dérmica offers IPL Hair Removal as a treatment for permanent hair removal/reduction.
Results vary and can last between 1 – 5 years before a touch-up is required. Although IPL / LASER hair removal are considered methods of “permanent hair removal”, these treatments often require touch-ups. The typical span is 1 to 5 years.
One of the main reasons for this vast range is the varying degrees of hair growth throughout the body. Some areas grow long/ thick hair, whereas other areas may grow short/ fine hair.
When narrowing down how long your IPL / LASER hair removal results will last, we begin by classifying the treatment areas into one of two major categories:
CLASS 1 – Includes: lip, chin, underarms, chest, back, and bikini.
CLASS 2 – Includes: scalp, hairline, arms, legs, hands, and feet.
These 2 categories have pre-indicators we use when making our assumptions for results. For example, hair texture, intensity of the growth, and hormonal influences that affect growth.
Touch-up Requirements
CLASS 1 | Lip | Chin | Underarms | Chest | Back | Pubic Region
Results last 1-3 years before touch-up is required. The growth in these areas is largely driven by hormones and continues to progress through our adult years. For this reason, you may require touch-ups sooner than other areas of the body.
CLASS 2 | Scalp | Hairline | Arms| Legs | Hands & Feet
Results last 3-5 years before touch-up is required. Because these areas are not as affected by hormones in our adult years, they typically require fewer touch-up sessions and, the results last longer.
Although results vary depending on your hair and skin type, proper aftercare and scheduling are vital.
Q: “My body hair ranges from dark blonde – light brown… Does IPL / LASER work on blonde hair?” – N.N
A: Yes, you can achieve results! Advanced IPL / LASER operating systems can now effectively treat lighter hair tones.
Hair colour plays an important role when setting expectations for treatment outcomes. The light energy pulsed by the operating system targets pigment cells found in the hair bulb. As a result, the more pigment cells present, the more energy is absorbed and therefore, producing optimal results.
Those with dark blonde – light brown hair tones are categorized as “Light” hair on the treatment scale. Light natural hair tones usually contain enough base pigment to properly absorb the energy into the hair bulb. In most cases, there is enough pigmentation to achieve significant hair reduction. Therefore, you can expect 25 – 75% reduction given proper aftercare.
In conclusion, IPL/ LASER treatment offers optimal results for those looking for carefree maintenance and to clear their skin of unsightly stubble. In addition, it saves the skin from the routine of painful removal procedures.
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