We are located on Whyte avenue in Edmonton and offer detailed hand and foot care services in our esthetics menu.
Manicure Pedicure services in Edmonton
Located in Edmonton, Dérmica offers a manicure pedicure menu. Our treatments are designed to provide you with all the benefits of a traditional service combined with our treatment approach.
Furthermore, our signature touch of luxury makes our manis and pedis a treat for tired hands and feet. Coupled with their corrective quality, they are a favourite on the menu.
Luxury is in the details. This pedicure service is ideal for feet in need of a professional skin and nail grooming, detailing, and paint service.
Gel polish add-on
Price: $5 application fee; $10 removal fee.
Timing: + 15 min.
Price: $50
Timing: 40min
Bring those little feet in for a treat! This service includes a foot soak, nail shaping, buff, and polish application.
Gel polish add-on
Price: $5 application fee; $10 removal fee.
Timing: + 15 min.
Anti-Fungal Tx PÉDICARE
Price: $125
Timing: Up to 1hr 45min
Fungal growth on your nails can lead to discomfort, deformities, and discolouration. Infected nails are treated to help prevent transmission and further complications.
Your nail care treatment plan will require follow-up service and use of the anti-fungal solution and home care instructions provided with your service.
Ingrown Nail PEDÍCARE
Price: $125
Timing: Up to 1hr 45min.
Ingrown toenails can cause discomfort and lead to infection when left untreated. Pressure is relieved by clearing debris and carefully trimming the ingrown portion of your nail.
This process can take anywhere from one hour to an hour and a half depending on how severe it is or if the use of topical anaesthetic is necessary.
Price: $125
Timing: Up to 1hr 30min
Our Diabetic Pedicure is a specialized foot care service tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals with diabetes. Performed by trained professionals, this gentle treatment focuses on maintaining foot health and preventing complications.
Located on Whyte avenue in Edmonton, Dérmica offers a nail care menu to improve nail health.
Manicures are often reduced to the polish application, but they address a multitude of nail concerns. Common concerns include cracked, dry cuticles, brittle nails, and nail ridges.
Our Classic Manicure is a great treatment for many common nail concerns. We buff out the top of the surface of the nail making it as smooth as possible. In addition to the massage and paraffin application, we use vitamin e lotion and cuticle oil nourishes the hands and nails with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
We offer extras such as gel polish application (a form of shellac polish) and removal. We also offer shellac and gel polish removal as a stand-alone service.
Manicure Contraindications
Though rare, some medical conditions exist that may present individual harm from a manicure, or a risk of infecting others.
Some conditions are contagious and require treatment before your Service Provider can proceed. Correspondingly, other conditions may require modification of service.
Located on Whyte Ave, Dérmica offers a mani pedi menu. Our treatments are designed to provide you with all the benefits of a traditional service combined with our treatment approach.
Furthermore, our signature touch of luxury makes our manis and pedis a treat for tired hands and feet. Coupled with their corrective quality, they are a favourite on the menu.
Luxury is in the details. This pedicure service is ideal for feet in need of a professional skin and nail grooming, detailing, and paint service.
Gel polish add-on
Price: $5 application fee; $10 removal fee.
Timing: + 15 min.
Price: $50
Timing: 40min
Bring those little feet in for a treat! This service includes a foot soak, nail shaping, buff, and polish application.
Gel polish add-on
Price: $5 application fee; $10 removal fee.
Timing: + 15 min.
Anti-Fungal Tx PÉDICARE
Price: $125
Timing: Up to 1hr 45min
Fungal growth on your nails can lead to discomfort, deformities, and discolouration. Infected nails are treated to help prevent transmission and further complications.
Your nail care treatment plan will require follow-up service and use of the anti-fungal solution and home care instructions provided with your service.
Ingrown Nail PEDÍCARE
Price: $125
Timing: Up to 1hr 45min.
Ingrown toenails can cause discomfort and lead to infection when left untreated. Pressure is relieved by clearing debris and carefully trimming the ingrown portion of your nail.
This process can take anywhere from one hour to an hour and a half depending on how severe it is or if the use of topical anaesthetic is necessary.
Price: $125
Timing: Up to 1hr 30min
Our Diabetic Pedicure is a specialized foot care service tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals with diabetes. Performed by trained professionals, this gentle treatment focuses on maintaining foot health and preventing complications.
Cuticles peeling can be a sign of overgrown cuticles. They are basically an overgrowth of the surrounding tissue of the nail bed and the cuticle. The overgrowth is typically caused by neglect/unkept nails. If you have overgrown cuticles you could be at risk of developing infections on or around the nails. Infections can occur due to the overgrowth causing hangnails. Hangnails cause the cuticles to split which opens the skin further to bacterial infections that can be painful.
The treatment for peeling cuticles is a manicure. During our manicure service, we push the cuticles back and trim away any loose or dead tissue surrounding the nail bringing it back to a healthy length.
If you want to give yourself a manicure at home, be careful to not push the cuticles back too far. Pushing back too far can be painful and puts you at risk of infection.
Post care
Using a nail brush to clean around the cuticle areas will help keep them at a manageable length. Also, try using hand cream and cuticle oil on a daily basis.
Regular manicures will help if you are prone to overgrown cuticles.
What is it and is there a nail biting treatment? Nail biting is also known as onychophagy. It is caused by a nervous, compulsive habit of biting your fingernails due to anxiety.
Home tips
Have you tried bitters on your fingernails? Bitters are like a nail polish that tastes horrible so it prevents you from wanting to put your fingers in your mouth.
Some clients have shared with us that having polish or gel polish helps them leave their fingers alone because they look nice.
When painting your nails at home, use polish with a nail strengthening base coat.
Manicures help maximize a nail’s growth potential (assuming the client is ready to cease the nail biting). They achieve this through professional nail and cuticle work. A paraffin dip softens the damaged skin surrounding the nail.
Your nails will need to be strengthen up in order to grow past the tip of the finger. Nail hardeners do a really good job in strengthening your nails.
Post care
Use a nail brush as often as possible. We recommend daily hand lotion use, multiple times a day.