Located in YEG, Dérmica offers a pedicure menu. Our treatments are designed to provide you with all the benefits of a traditional service combined with our treatment approach.
Luxury is in the details. This pedicure service is ideal for feet in need of a professional skin and nail grooming, detailing, and paint service.
Gel polish add-on
Price: $5 application fee; $10 removal fee.
Timing: + 15 min.
Price: $50
Timing: 40min
Bring those little feet in for a treat! This service includes a foot soak, nail shaping, buff, and polish application.
Gel polish add-on
Price: $5 application fee; $10 removal fee.
Timing: + 15 min.
Anti-Fungal Tx PÉDICARE
Price: $125
Timing: Up to 1hr 45min
Fungal growth on your nails can lead to discomfort, deformities, and discolouration. Infected nails are treated to help prevent transmission and further complications.
Your nail care treatment plan will require follow-up service and use of the anti-fungal solution and home care instructions provided with your service.
Ingrown Nail PEDÍCARE
Price: $125
Timing: Up to 1hr 45min.
Ingrown toenails can cause discomfort and lead to infection when left untreated. Pressure is relieved by clearing debris and carefully trimming the ingrown portion of your nail.
This process can take anywhere from one hour to an hour and a half depending on how severe it is or if the use of topical anaesthetic is necessary.
Price: $125
Timing: Up to 1hr 30min
Our Diabetic Pedicure is a specialized foot care service tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals with diabetes.
Booking this treatment begins with a telephone consultation to determine your eligibility for the treatment. Your consultation is free and can be booked online.
Get rid of pimples on your back with a back treatment for acne. Located in Edmonton, Alberta, Dérmica offers back treatment and back peel options to address skin concerns on your back.
What causes pimples on the back?
Pimples on the back can be caused by a number of things. Like the face, acne can affect the back as well. But what causes it? Some professionals will say hormones, diet, medication, and environmental factors play a contributing factor. In addition, improper use of products and ph imbalances on the skin can lead to acne.
Does back acne go away with age?
Back acne will go away with age if the contributing factor is an excess of oil production. This is due to a natural decrease in oil production as we age.
What soap/body wash gets rid of body acne?
Acne is best treated with BHA products. The main one being salicylic acid. Salicylic acid helps to decongest the skin’s surface and pores. It also has anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce the size of postules. In addition, it has the proper ph to balance oily and acne prone skin.
How often should I get a back treatment?
The frequecy of treatments depends on the phase the skin is in. if you are actively treating the condition, then book a treatment every 6-8 weeks. Otherwise, maintenance can be done seasonally.
What to expect after a back treatment?
You can expect minor skin sensitivity after a back treatment if there have been a lot of extractions. Depending on the products used and whether a “acid boost” was included to enhance the results, there may be some dryness, tightness to the skin, and possible flaking.
If we approach this from a medical history perspective, it would depend on whether the person has a condition such as alopecia, trichotillomania, or other genetic conditions that impede or stop hair growth.
Aside from medical history, the possibility of hair not growing back may be due to hormonal fluctuations that happen in our lives that may cause changes in our body’s ability to regrow hair. Whether it changes in texture, colour, consistency, or growth rate, these things can be affected by hormonal fluctuations which are directly tied to the process of aging.
Can microblading be done on older skin?
Microblading can be done on most age groups. We consider factors such as the laxity of the skin when deciding if mature skin is suitable for microblading. If the skin texture is sagging or too wrinkled in the brow region, it may not look natural due to the pigment not sitting where expected. In other words, significantly sagging skin may interfere with the positioning of the ink and distort the intended shape.
Possible setbacks
As we age, our skin loses volume and therefore can be too thin to safely microblade over. Our body’s natural healing process is also delayed as we age. So healing is another setback to consider when we work on mature skin.
However, all of the above can be assessed with a proper consultation. This helps us determine if an individual is eligible for microblading. Skin ages differently for each person depending on their health condition, age group, and ethnicity.
Is there special post care for mature skin?
The same post care instructions apply to microblading mature skin, with a little extra precaution where the healing process is concerned. It is important to track the healing process to ensure that there are no infections or prolonged inflammation period.
Is 60 too old for permanent makeup?
Not at all! Permanent makeup enhances the natural beauty of any face, regardless of shape, type and age. In particular, microblading frames the face, add symmetry, and plays a key role in having a youthful look.
In short, female chin hair causes come from hormones.
However, what is driving those hormones to produce that excess hair growth is dependent on the person’s health. It could be caused by certain health conditions. For example, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. One of the major side effects is excess hair growth on the lower half of the face for women. There are of course other reasons for hormonal imbalances but that is the most common condition by name that we come across that cause the growth of excess female chin hair.
Another female chin hair cause is genetics. Certain people are more prone to this pattern of hair growth. Also, menopause can cause this as well as the hormones fluctuate drastically at this point.
No, it does not cause damage to the internal organs because it does not interact with those organs. However, it does interact with the body’s largest organ- the skin. Although our treatment target is a structure that is found within the skin, we do not go any deeper than nanometers in depth into the skin.
Does IPL hair removal affect fertility?
No, it does not affect fertility given the fact that it IPL laser treatments do not interact with those organs. These treatments interact strictly with the skin. However, it is not recommended to have IPL or laser treatments if you are pregant, breastfeeding, or are actively trying to become pregnant. The reason being is that any form of light therapy is a form of radiation.
The amount of radiation output varies, however, it is very light in comparison to ultrasounds or x-rays for example. It is very minimal as far as the exposure, but when you are trying to conceive it’s just best to avoid any extra radiation especially because there already exposure during ultrasounds and other procedures that the mom may behaving on a medical level.
The photofacial benefits are manifold. This is why many clients opt for this treatment in the fight against aging. Photofacials are able to produce multiple results because they use “Selective Photothermolysis”.
This method allows the destruction of a specified target without damaging the surrounding tissue. The method consists of irradiating the target with intense pulse light (IPL). As a result, the targeted area is heated above body temperature. This surrounding tissue is almost not heated because the target absorbs the radiation much more strongly than the surrounding tissue,.
Depending on how we enter the settings on the equipment, it will use selective photothermolysis to achieve its task. The settings entered direct it as to what we are targeting, while calibrating itself to work with the client’s skin tone.
Photofacials are a top choice for those seeking the removal of dark spots, sun spots, and pigmented acne scarring. It works by delivering quick pulses of UV light to the targeted area. Subsequently, the spot breaks up and the pigment is brought to the surface. The pigment is shed with your skin’s natural processes. As a result, a clear and uniform complexion is revealed.
Different from ACLARA, this treatment works on superficial blood vessels. The applied energy is absorbed by the oxyhemoglobin (formed by the combination of hemoglobin with oxygen) in the blood within the vessel. As a result, the blood coagulates and the vessel breaks up into particles that are naturally filtered away through the body’s lymphatic system.
Photofacial treatments reverse the signs of aging through the non-traumatic removal of skin surface layers that induce neocollagenesis (the production of new collagen).
After, the body’s natural wound-healing response begins to regenerate the epidermis and the underlying wounded skin layers. This gives an overall glow and youthful look to the skin. More specifically, it tightens the skin by plumping fine lines and wrinkles and minimizing large pores.
How often does one have to massage their face to see results?
Giving yourself regular face massages at home has many benefits and anti aging effects. Giving your skin at least 60 seconds of stretch time and drainage really helps to release toxins in the skin that cause damage if not released.
Of course, we do not recommend that you go as deep as we do during a facial. If you were to compare what we do in a facial to the massage world, it would be considered a deep tissue massage. Facials are like a deep tissue massage for your face because the muscles are so superficial and fine. The massage we do during a facial gives the muscles the equivalent of a workout.
If you want to benefit from massage overall, doing a light massage daily at home to support what we do in the service also helps.
Does face tapping increase collagen?
This one is subject to opinion, but it is good in a way that it invigorates and stimulates the skin to do what it needs to do which is to get the circulation flowing.
Can facial massage reduce bags under the eyes?
Facial massaging can reduce bags under the eyes to a certain extent. If bags are caused by poor circulation to the skin it will help becasue you are draining certain fluids and toxins that are trapped in the skin.
However, if it is due to structural damage due to aging it won’t help. Also, if there is an underlying condition it is unlikely to help much. If you see puffiness or it looks like edema (fluid retention) at that point it would most likely be an underlying condition and its best to consult with a physician.
Enjoy the many facial massage benefits and book your RELAX facial!