SUMMER 2022- Free UA with Bikini- *Saturdays only*
Receive a free session of IPL Hair Removal on your underarms with the purchase of any IPL Hair Removal bikini.
This special is not valid with any other offer or promotion. Offer valid from June 25 to August 27, 2022. No pre-purchasing. Please include both areas when booking your appointment.
Are you ready for your treatment?
Book your IPL Hair Removal Treatment with Dérmica!
March 2022- Free underarms with any bikini
Receive a free session of IPL Hair Removal on your underarms with the purchase of any IPL Hair Removal bikini.
This special is not valid with any other offer or promotion. Offer valid from March 1-31, 2022. No pre-purchasing. Please include both areas when booking your appointment.
Throughout February, receive 25% OFF any IPL Hair Removal session. This special is not valid with any other offer/promotion. Offer valid from February 1-28, 2022. No pre-purchasing.
Multiple sessions allowed for facial areas; to take advantage of this offer, book one session on the first week of February, and your next session on the last week of February.
Purchase a treatment package! Receive 15% OFF when you purchase a series of 6 treatments.
We have IPL deals to kick off the new year! Throughout January, choose your complimentary IPL Hair Removal session with ANY IPL Hair Removal treatment of equal or greater value.
Select from:
Spot Tx
This special is not valid with any other offer/promotion. Offer valid from January 1-31, 2022. No pre-purchasing. Areas must be booked on same day. Areas purchased must be of equal or greater value to complimentary service. Multiple sessions allowed; to take advantage of this offer, book one session on the first week of January, and your next session on the last week of January.
How do I book this special?
After reviewing the pre-booking criteria, use our online booking system to book all areas being treated. Depending on your chosen areas, you may need to book 2 separate times. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Book your IPL Hair Removal Treatment with Dérmica!
How are IPL/ laser hair removal and skin tone related?
IPL/ Laser Hair Removal, Skin Tone, and The Fitzpatrick Scale
The treatment approach to IPL/ Laser hair removal depends on skin tone.The most commonly used guide for selecting the skin type for LASER and IPL treatments is the Fitzpatrick Scale. This guide helps us predict the skin’s rate of aging, risk of cancer, and reaction to UV exposure. The Fitzpatrick Scale ranges from level 1 – 6, with level one being the lightest and level six the darkest.
Different treatment approaches for different skin tones
Levels 1-3
Because lighter skin tones contain less melanin, they absorb less energy and release it faster. As a result, they are less likely to react adversely following LASER and IPL treatments. In addition, less energy absorption allows us to use higher settings in the early stages of treatment which translates into a higher rate of hair reduction.
Levels 4-6
On the other hand, melanin-rich tones absorb more energy. Therefore, a lower setting is required, especially in the early stages of the treatment course. Easing the skin into the treatment reduces the risk of burns and hyperpigmentation until it builds tolerance to the energy. Although we can safely treat darker skin, the rate of hair reduction decreases in darker skin tones.
In short, advanced IPL / LASER operating systems can effectively treat a wide range of skin tones. However, there are limitations to treating beyond a Level 5. Adverse reactions such as burns and permanent scarring can occur due to the pigment in the skin absorbing the energy emitted by the laser.
Throughout August, receive a complimentary underarm IPL Hair Removal session with ANY IPL Hair Removal bikini treatment.
Are you ready for your treatment?
Time frame: Dependent on size of area being treated.
Pre-treatment protocols:
Must not currently be on or have used Accutane or any other oral prescription acne medications in the past 12 months
If currently using any products containing AHA/BHA/Retin A/Vitamin A on the area being treated, you must discontinue usage 2 weeks prior to procedure
Must wait a minimum of 4 weeks (or up to 6 weeks for darker skin types) from last tanning (artificial or natural) AND/OR waxing session
If currently on any prescription medications, check with your physician regarding possible photosensitivity
Recommended sessions: 8-12
Downtime required: 24 hrs
Disorders stimulated by light
Cancer (remission under 2 years)
Use of photosensitive medication and herbs
Active infection of Herpes Simplex in treatment area
Use of anticoagulants
Potential side effects:
Fragile skin
Edema (swelling)
Erythema (redness)
This special is not valid with any other offer/promotion. Offer valid from August 1-31, 2020. No pre-purchasing. Multiple sessions allowed; to take advantage of this offer, book one session on the first week of August, and your next session on the last week of August.
Will my IUD affect my IPL Hair Removal treatments?
Can I have IPL Hair Removal if I have an IUD?
The simple answer is, yes! ‘
What is an IUD?
An IUD (Intrauterine Device) is a small T-shape contraceptive device that is placed inside of the uterus. It is worn for 3-10 years with regular check-ups. Most IUD’s have hormonal components built into a simple copper structure. Others may be made of polyethylene plastic.
Concerns with the combo…
There are concerns with this combination. Firstly, the reaction of the heat from the solid structures of the device absorbed by the body tissues. Although this sounds like a probable cause for internal burns, there are factors that make this reaction highly unlikely.
The Factors
The depth of the uterus beneath the skin in the average adult female, falls within the centimetre scale (not including excess fat). This measurement includes layers of skin, fascia, muscle, fat, and the multiple layers of the uterine wall.
The light energy emitted by the device is measured on a nanometer scale and reaches up-to a 635-nanometer depth in the skin. To put this into perspective when comparing to the distance of the uterus, consider the following:
1cm = 0.01m
1nm = 0.000 000 001m
One-hundredth of a meter
One-billionth of a meter
Measurement used for object that fit on a ruler
Measurement used for objects on an atomic or molecular level
One thing to keep in mind though if you have the polyethylene IUD (contains hormones), there may be an effect on the expected results and/or number of sessions required.
If you have any underlying medical conditions and are under observation of a physician, we recommend you consult with them prior to booking your appointment, to ensure you have your questions and concerns addressed from both a technical and medical perspective.
Now that we have cleared the air, let’s CLEAR THAT HAIR!
Located on Whyte Ave in Edmonton, Alberta, Dérmica offers IPL Hair Removal treatments.
Our IPL Hair Removal treatment will deliver permanent results on any area of face and body, including male facial hair. Above all, razor burn, ingrown hairs, and embarrassing stubble will be a thing of the past!
Your safety is our first concern, therefore, please review the following criteria before booking online.
Time frame: Dependent on size of area being treated.
Pre-treatment protocols:
Must not currently be on or have used Accutane or any other oral prescription acne medications in the past 12 months
If currently using any products containing AHA/BHA/Retin A/Vitamin A on the area being treated, you must discontinue usage 2 weeks prior to procedure
Must wait a minimum of 4 weeks (or up to 6 weeks for darker skin types) from last tanning (artificial or natural) AND/OR waxing session
If currently on any prescription medications, check with your physician regarding possible photosensitivity
Recommended sessions: 8-12
Downtime required: 24 hrs
Disorders stimulated by light
Cancer (remission under 2 years)
Use of photosensitive medication and herbs
Active infection of Herpes Simplex in treatment area
What can I expect when doing IPL Hair Removal treatments?
How many treatments do I need before I see results from my IPL Hair Removal treatments?
Results are immediate!
Although your hair may require 8 – 12 sessions, you will experience lasting results with each treatment including your first.
In fact, your initial treatment will give you the most noticeable reduction. Clients report an average of 20-60% less hair growth following their initial treatment. Not only do they experience less hair growth, but the texture of the hair also becomes finer and delayed in growth rate.
Now don’t get too comfortable as this effect is not permanent just yet.
Within the first few days following your session, your hair may appear to have stopped growing. Your hair will resume growth by week 2 and at this point you might think your treatment was unsuccessful. Keep in mind that this resumed growth is a combination of active hair bulbs and inactive hair now shedding from its follicle post-treatment. Once the shedding process has ended, we are able to measure the effects of the treatment.
Your next treatment will be scheduled within 4 weeks after your first session.
Each treatment following your initial session will increase the amount of reduction by approximately 10% to maximum of 80-98% overall reduction.
Depending on the number of sessions to date, your recorded progress, and expected sun exposure, we may reduce the frequency of your treatments. You will start off with a 4 week pause between treatments, later increasing to 5 weeks, then 6 weeks until you reach your treatment goal.
Your feedback is key when tracking progress AND making progress.
At every visit your technician will be asking a series of questions in order to measure the number of sessions required to achieve your desired results. Additionally, your feedback can also used to make accurate adjustments to the intensity level of your treatment.
After each visit please ensure to track the following to share with your technician at your next visit:
How much of a reduction have you experienced?
Has the texture/ thickness of the hair changed?
Has the colour of the treated hair changed? Is the hair light, medium, or dark tone?
How long did it take for your hair to grow back after your last session?
How frequently are you shaving the area?
If there was a reaction, how long did it last, and what type of reaction was it?
Be patient and realistic with your results
Although we would love to promise maximum results after 1 session, technology is not quite there yet! For now, expect to have up to 12 sessions over the span of 1-2 years. In the meantime, you can enjoy NOT having to deal with ingrown hairs, itchy razor bumps, embarrassing 5 o’clock shadows, daily shaving routine, or painful waxing!